RTT and kid and dog?


Expedition Leader
I'm planning on camping with my wife and child and dog. MY question is how do you go about settling the child the dog and the wife in a Large Family Rtt.



I may be off here but I'm assuming by settling you mean getting them to relax before bed.

For reference I have a DC Taco with a shell. Wife and I in RTT, dogs in the bed under the shell, munchkin in the cab with rear seat folded down. My daughter is a beehive of activity even when sleeping and I wake at the slightest sound (work hazard) so we're like water and oil in the same room when its bedtime, its not pretty. I found separating everyone is most comfortable for us. If we had to stay in there at the same time I'd put them in one at a time, starting with the dogs, and let them settle down before adding my daughter. By the time they all chill out, my wife and I may be able to climb in and find an open spot. I hope your RTT is one of the big ones! Our 1600 is tight with all of us in there.


Expedition Leader
Ha, that sound about like what I'll be dealing with. When my wife and I met I had a Hannibal 1.2M and that was fine for us and out 60lb. dog. I sold it about two years ago with the intent of purchasing another. The RTT Camping lab offers in the Serengeti line is 79"X94" deployed, vs my old 1.2M of 48"x 96". A gain of nearly 20 Sqft (31"x94") while not much in a house 20 sqft in a RTT is huge! The baby (child) is 15 months and probably wont be left in the 4Runner. As for the dog, there is no other option than sleeping with her as she is a velcro breed and will not sleep alone. Funny side story, when we leave Cayman (the dog) at my inlaws she (Cayman) will go get someone either mother or father in law and direct them back to her room and in the bed and then under the covers where she like to be. Anyhow its camp season here in FL and I was just trying to run through the gamut of questions as I'm camping with a new member (my lovely 15 m/o). A good resource for other parent travelers is www.adventureparents.com



We have found that a doggie bed works wonders for keeping our wiggley 18 month old contained. It may help with the dog as well.


We sleep with my wife, a 5 year old, an 18 month old and myself in the Mombasa 3 man (72") RTT. The two older girls (9 and 7) sleep in collapsable cots across the bed rails in the campershell.



Expedition Leader
Thats awesome!

We have found that a doggie bed works wonders for keeping our wiggley 18 month old contained. It may help with the dog as well.


We sleep with my wife, a 5 year old, an 18 month old and myself in the Mombasa 3 man (72") RTT. The two older girls (9 and 7) sleep in collapsable cots across the bed rails in the campershell.



Expedition Leader
We've got a large Maggiolina, about 60x80, and there's no way. We did it this year, our 4 year old is very small, and a 6 month old. We put the baby between us, and our boy feet to feet with the baby, so his head at our feet. Our 16 lb dog found a space somewhere. It wasn't great but it worked. Longer term plans are the kids will sleep in what resembles a teardrop trailer, with us in the Maggiolina on top.


Expedition Leader
We've got a large Maggiolina, about 60x80, and there's no way. We did it this year, our 4 year old is very small, and a 6 month old. We put the baby between us, and our boy feet to feet with the baby, so his head at our feet. Our 16 lb dog found a space somewhere. It wasn't great but it worked. Longer term plans are the kids will sleep in what resembles a teardrop trailer, with us in the Maggiolina on top.

Well mine will be bigger at 79"x94" think that'll help?



Well mine will be bigger at 79"x94" think that'll help?


It generally does.

The three of you, plus the dog, should be just fine in a tent that big.

My Mombasa is 72" x 94" and, like I said, we sleep with two adults and two kids. I sleep on one side and my wife in the middle with the little on the other side next to her pillow. The five year old sleeps on the same side as the toddler, but slid down a couple of feet. It took us a few nights trial and error to find the right arrangement. We also had one night when the seven year old slept in the tent while the five year old slept in the truck. That didn't work at all (amazing how much difference two years make).

We still had room for a couple of small daypacks, but not much else. This will probably work for one more year, but after that we will have to come up with some other arrangement.


I have the Largest Camp Lab and we sleep Myself 6'1", Wife 5'9", 3 year old daughter and 4 month old daughter with lots of room to spare right now. We do allot of camping and we're always super comfy in there. Also have stuff - packs and clothes and such down by our feet. The 3 year old loves to sleep in the "castle" and is generally up there and out before the rest of us go up.

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