Run your VIN ASAP if you own a Delica in the US!


My 25 year old Mitsubishi Delica is actually only 23 years old.
I can’t discuss publicly right now, but if you purchased a Delica from one of the largest dealers in Canada, or the previous owner did, there is a good chance that your van may NOT be US legal. The JDM expert who tipped me off said the free VIN check above is 100% accurate. I also had a third party check the VIN on my van and one other Delica from the same dealer. The results confirmed that both vans were actually built in 1992!

Jeff V.

I'm so tired of reading about people getting scammed like this. It sucks. There's too many crooks out there.

At least some people are finally waking up to the fact that just because your state DMV gave you a tag, doesn't mean it was imported legally.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
I wanted to buy a titled "legal" 1999 Pajero SWB a while back even though I know better, kind of like maybe I can just sit on it for a bunch of years... Best to just hang on to legit machines


My Delica is legit, and I have owned it in the US of A for 2+ years now. I was going to buy from SR, but did get a good vibe. Mine was purchased from an importer in Ontario. Bonsai Rides to be specific. Craig is awesome to deal with ,and would never scam someone into buying an illegal year vehicle.


New member
My 25 year old Mitsubishi Delica is actually only 23 years old.
I can’t discuss publicly right now, but if you purchased a Delica from one of the largest dealers in Canada, or the previous owner did, there is a good chance that your van may NOT be US legal. The JDM expert who tipped me off said the free VIN check above is 100% accurate. I also had a third party check the VIN on my van and one other Delica from the same dealer. The results confirmed that both vans were actually built in 1992!

Again, you never purchased a delica, you do not own a delica and this is all a lie. If you do, post details of your van? Why would you openly post details of other peoples' vehicles here but not yours? If you were so concerned about yours being illegal and is going to be smashed, why would you be so callous as to openly post identifying information of vehicles belonging other poor "victims" that will be smashed? This one thing tells so much about you. Again, you never purchased a delica from us and, never came here and never sent it back to Canada. This is all a lie. Your deposit of $2000 was refunded back to you and I have all the emails here. Do you want me to post them here? Or you can post our email communications here both prior to your deposit being refunded and after?

Furthermore, your very last email in which you decided not to buy a delica because you found a website here and there, you requested to special order a hiace. If you were so convinced we were criminals, you wouldn't be doing any more business with us.

Every Delica has got a seatbelt tag that clearly shows the month and year of the vehicle. Not one seatbelt but all of them. this is the manufacture date. Do you think the customs don't know about this and you are going to educate them?

You are not afraid for your family and I don't think you even have a family. If you did, you wouldn't have this much time dedicated to this. If you had a family, you would have better things to do than spend hours online trying to ruin my business by lying through your teeth. post anything here that would confirm you own a delica? And, it cannot be the regi I sent you for the vehicle you placed a deposit on and never purchased it.
Man, this sounds a lot like a car I am selling with my Estate Sale business right now, hounded by some nut job that claims its not a real car for the last 2 weeks. :coffee:

Jeff V.

silkroadautos said:
Every Delica has got a seatbelt tag that clearly shows the month and year of the vehicle. Not one seatbelt but all of them. this is the manufacture date. Do you think the customs don't know about this and you are going to educate them?

It takes a few minutes with a wrench to change out seatbelts. My pickup doesn't have original the 1992 seatbelts, because there was a recall on them. If customs is going by that, they're being pretty dumb about it. Chassis plates and firewall or frame stampings are much more permanent, specifically because they can be used to positively identify the vehicle.

Maybe this other guy is trying to slander you. I don't know. I don't have a horse in this race. I just want people to be educated about this. But everything he says can be easily disproven by posting the chassis codes for the vehicles you're selling. People can run those through the epc-data site, or Mitsubishi ASA if they have a copy.

I took the chassis code from the other thread (P25W-0614687) and ran it through the ASA Japan program. It comes back with an April 1992 (1992042) build date.


JDM Journeys
I hesitate to wade into this discussion, as there are accusations going back and forth, but as an end consumer with 10 years of experience in importing JDM vehicles for non-business purposes, I feel compelled to throw a few things out for those who might be otherwise dissuaded against what could be a great vehicle for you. I have many, many friends with multiple JDM's, and have a a personal interest in supporting JDM's in North America.

So, much of this is probably obvious, but those who know me would say I can't hold my tongue..... ;)

1. Airing these kinds of things publicly rarely ends happily for all involved, so I wish you all well. I'd hate to think anyone is purposely misleading anyone else, and would rather believe there are misunderstandings on both sides, but what do I know?

2. If I'm buying something that is gray market, I want to see proof of everything. There are enough hoops to jump through as it is, between gov't reg's, insurance co's, etc, that I want to be 100% positive that I'm getting what I'm paying for. Buyer Beware is very appropriate here. Every JDM vehicle I've ever bought (all Mitsu, funny enough) has had the build month and year on a plate, on the door jamb. I'm not sure if this is standard practice for every other JDM vehicle, but it is for every mitsu I've purchased. I've checked the electronic parts catalog for interest sake from time to time (also gives paint and option codes), but I'll stick with my build plate, and matching chassis ID as the primary source, rather than an unseen source that I can't verify.

3. I always get a deregistration paper from Japan when it is exported, (in Japanese AND English), which clearly states the year and month of the vehicle. This, along with the build plate, gives you assurance that what you're buying is legit. This should come with every JDM vehicle that graces our shores, and if you don't get it, you should ask for it.

4. I've dealt exclusively with one importer over the years, but know several others, and ALL are very interested in protecting this industry. It is under constant attack from conventional dealers, govt regulators and insurance companies (one Canadian province has already banned JDMs altogether, based on a flawed document funded by a BC insurance company, as far as I can tell). We don't need any more fuel to throw on this fire. Yes, there are dishonest dealers out there, but I'd suggest they are few and far between: As the end buyer, it is ultimately our responsibility to double check EVERYTHING before money changes hands.

I apologize if I'm taking the OP's topic too far sideways, but I thought it was important that folks have as much info as possible if they find themselves considering a JDM ride for themselves.


New member
I would need to be manufacturing seatbelts in order to achieve this. All the tags need to match and with the exact date on papers. So, changing seatbelts on all my vehicles is not possible. Firstly I have to find the seatbelts, then they have to have the type of tags that I need and all of this so that I can sell a vehicle a few months earlier? This guy never purchased any car from us so that whole story is completely untrue. One thing which was supposed to be my company secret was that the date on the seatbelt is actually the manufacture date and the date on the de-registration is the first registration date. Sometimes these two dates may differ by just a couple of months but sometimes depending on which prefecture the car is registered may differ by many months. I currently have a delica that i took as a trade in that is registered in Canada as a 1992 model with the de-registration showing it to be February 1992 but the seatbelt tag says September 1991. So, while the year 1992 wouldn't make it eligible for US import, the month of manufacture would. however since the Canadian title is saying 1992 i am going to wait till the new year to sell it there. once again, this gentleman never purchased any car from us. How could a normal person buys a car from someone in Canada find it is not eligible for US import, take it back to Canada and park it there but never contact the seller? Furthermore, the seller, which is myself never gives him the vin or chassis number? is he a child?
It takes a few minutes with a wrench to change out seatbelts. My pickup doesn't have original the 1992 seatbelts, because there was a recall on them. If customs is going by that, they're being pretty dumb about it. Chassis plates and firewall or frame stampings are much more permanent, specifically because they can be used to positively identify the vehicle.

Maybe this other guy is trying to slander you. I don't know. I don't have a horse in this race. I just want people to be educated about this. But everything he says can be easily disproven by posting the chassis codes for the vehicles you're selling. People can run those through the epc-data site, or Mitsubishi ASA if they have a copy.

I took the chassis code from the other thread (P25W-0614687) and ran it through the ASA Japan program. It comes back with an April 1992 (1992042) build date.

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