Seperate bags or under blankets?

doc holiday

Trying to decide whether or not to get a couple new bags or just sleep under blanket it's usually just my wife and I our 3yr old sleeps in her own bag. What does everyone do?


sleeping bags for the winter and comforter for the cool nights and blankets for the summer nights.... This is on a RTT...


Expedition Leader
In our RTT we use a Travasack - basically a two person sleeping bag that has sheets that attach with velcro around the perimeter. It seems to be a reasonable balance between the convenience of sleeping bags, and the comfort of sleeping in a regular bed. The only downside is they aren't the warmest bag in the world. It works well most of the time in our mild SoCal climate, and we carry a couple blankets to throw on top in colder weather.


We sleep in the back of our LX450. We tend to use a comforter when it's above 45 degrees and separate sleeping bags if it's colder.
We backpack and car camp so we have several sleeping bag options... But we're in a ground tent either way. For car camping we use two rectangular, synthetic-fill sleeping bags that zip together. They're inexpensive, roomy and comfortable, but also relatively bulky & heavy. They can be used singly (which I did for 8 consecutive nights for OX12) or as a blanket or mattress, so they're versatile. For extra warmth on cold night we toss a wool blanket on top of it.

These bags have a flannel lining so they're cozier than just nylon.

That's for the wife and I. Our 9yo kid sleeps in her own sleeping bag too, usually one of my down backpacking bags.


We use the same double bag system when car camping...square, flannel lined bags that we can throw in the washing machine. We add a blanket or sleep in thermals if it gets cold. We prefer to use a single mattress when using the double bag system, it's not fun sleeping on the crack between two mattresses.


Expedition Leader
I just bought a nice down bag. Why did I wait so long? An old wool Army blanket is also always on hand. They don't hold dirt and are useful around camp to throw over your shoulders, as a ground blanket, to lay gear on and for an extra sleeping layer. Army surplus is where to get one and I consider it a mandatory piece of trail and camping gear because its so versatile. I've made a lot of people happy over the years by throwing that old blanket over their cold shoulders. Get a 100% wool one and a quick shake will shed any dirt or dust and it insulates even in the rain.


Get some bags that zip together. Best of both worlds.

I did that one time on a below freezing night, but never again. Every time the other person moves, it draws cold air down your neck.

Separate bags with a comforter over the top, if you need the extra warmth!

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