"Serenity" - My M101A2 expedition trailer build


Gorilla Wrangler
Airbags won't hold air = dreaded tail sag:

I might just go with a set of stronger springs; those can't puncture or deflate.

I got an unscheduled test of the surge breaks on my way home; less than half a mile away from my house, a cat darted out in front of us. Seemed he was trying to initiate a game of bumper tag. It didn't work: I stompped the brakes on the FJ, which was immediately followed by the sound of the trailer brakes locking up solid. The cat got to keep his remaining lives.
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Gorilla Wrangler
There was a fcukton of sewing. My hand arthritis is barking at me, my fingers are swollen, and I have a few extra holes that I wasn't born with. Big kudos to the Stewart manufacturing sewing awl!!!

I glued, then sewed a 1 inch strip of nylon webbing on the opposite side of the fabric from the Velcro. I wanted to reinforce the whole thing to keep the thin fabric from tearing under stress.

My "thread" was 80 pound test Spectra fishing line.

As my daughter will be sleeping in a Tepui awning extension with my son this time, I converted the interior of the trailer to storage:

The spare tire area is 3' x 44". I put a piece of plywood atop it as a floor. With this, I have a self adjusting spare tire compartment that will accommodate larger tires in the future. There's plenty of spare space around the spare tire as well.

T -9 days and counting until we are enroute to Ouray!!!
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I had the pleasure of living next to this "thing" for a week in Ouray and all I can say is that it is IMPRESSIVE. A lot of attention to detail. Every time I looked at it there was something else to see. Truly a work of functional-industrial art!


Gorilla Wrangler
"Industrial art?" Thanks! I like the sound of that...

Just wait - it'll have hot & cold running water by the time we return to Ouray next year. :wings:


I love this build. Inspires me to start working on mine. I have been watching for a canopy for the cause for a while with no luck yet.

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