Shish kabobs

Corey, I respect your decision and expect that you came to it through due diligence, however the whole concept is upside down for me. I am deathly allergic to soy protein. Almost all of the legumes are very bad for me; peanuts especially, but also all of the legume-based meat substitutes. I'll just have to remain an omnivore.


OverCamping Specialist
Bummer David.
I like all sorts of beans/legumes cold or hot.
I do not think I had eaten lentils until I met the X.

She was raised an SDA, and that diet is pretty much what I eat from being around her for a long time.

Yes, I had to give up all nuts basically, but not on account of allergies, but due to colon difficulties.
And I was a big cashew fan, could eat them by the handful.
I can eat them, but I would suffer the next day.

It is funny how we are raised from childhood to eat certain foods growing up to learn later on they are the cause of certain ailments.
It was very hard for me at first to change over, but soon the health benefits kicked in.


OverCamping Specialist
Those were cherry tomatoes so they are a little bit harder than tomatoes if you had cut them up.
Plus with the sealer I was using, I can push the cutoff button to stop the vacuum process instead of letting it continue to when it thinks it is done.

Here is a pic from a week back of some avocados and cantaloupe I sealed for my camping trip.


The cantaloupe was still good one week later.
I had trouble sealing them though, as the sealer wanted to suck up juice as it compressed, and it contaminated the seal/heat line, and left open gaps.

It took a few tries with me manually having to stop the vacuum process and hit the seal button.
They sealed good, but were a little looser, but still lasted a week in the ARB fridge to my plate.


I am a carnivore for sure. But I have had boca burgers and they are not bad at all.

I may try some of those tofu sausage things, they look pretty good.


OverCamping Specialist
It requires a taste for sure.
In fact I just cut one up and it is sitting in a pan of water with Top Ramen for dinner along with a whole avocado and nectarine cut up.

I eat very simple during the work week.
Weekends I cook a lot more.

I also like taking those dogs and rolling them up in a Diane's Wrap along with bean dip, guacamole, and some salsa, then wrapping it in foil.

Take to work, take out of foil, and nuke it for a minute, and I have lunch at work.


I tried the fake meats and they really are not bad, I perfer the real stuff, but I learned long ago not to knock something til you try it. I would eat the fake meat, but it costs as much or more as the real thing, so I eat cow.

Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
Boca burgers are pretty good, same with some of the facon I think it is called, its the vegetarian bacon stuff.

Since this is a kabob thread, I'll submit a tip I learned a while back. Cooking all your veggies and meats and stuff on one skewer is good if you're only making a few kabobs, but if you have to cook a lot of food (like for several people or a large group) separate your foods so that there is only one thing on each skewer. What I mean is that if you have chunks of lamb or beef or another meat, put them on their own skewer. Then your taters go on their own skewer, and peppers on their own, mushrooms on their own, and so on. Each food will cook and be done at different times, so if you have slow cooking ones on the same skewer as fast cooking foods, the fast ones will be overdone by the time the slow food is finished.


OverCamping Specialist
I am gettin' hungry again.
Might have to fire up the barbecue this coming weekend, not to many nice days left in the PNW until the H2O starts to fall from the sky.


Expedition Leader
fire it up, i cook outside all year, even when i lived up there. i tried those asian morningstars, tasty but black bean still my fav.


OverCamping Specialist
Just bought 4 packages of the Asian Morningstar burgers a few weeks back.
I like them, but I usually have to eat two of them, they are to thin.


lost on the mainland
And you forgot COFFEE BEANS !
But espresso is good for ya :)

Tempeh Taco Salad. Tempeh Reubens. A couple of our regulars. Not Shishkabobs...but darn good just the same and meatless to boot. I was a veggie for 6-years...never felt better. Although, Corey, you say its easy and apparently you had to convert, I got impatient with how much pure time it took to be a veggie. Everything in moderation now...well except for tequila. Wait a minute...add aged rum to that list :sombrero:.

Hijack over.

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