Ski Bum Truck V2.0, F450 Rough Road RV


Expedition Leader
I have this on my camper
Camco and MB Sturgis make a bunch of different styles where you thread on a typical POL propane tank (may need to alter to fit your tank set up) and it provides a POL fitting for low pressure regulators and a 1" high pressure line where you can extend out.
Yeah my tank doesn't have those external thread like the portable tanks.

This is what I wanted to use, but there's a spring hanger in the way....

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Expedition Leader
How much movement do you have in the connection on the far right (heater?)? If you had some latitude you could Rube Goldberg something with more fittings and this You may end up adding 100lbs in brass to get what you want though.
I have about 1/2" after the regulator and connection (it's a T). I had the same thought on going and picking thru the fitting shelves to see what I could make...

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Expedition Leader
10.71 mpg on the last tank, that's with a pass going both directions. Not bad!

Going up the pass, 50-55mph, 30 psi and 1000 degree EGT's, the other side is shallower and I can run up at 60+ staying under 1000 degrees.

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Expedition Leader
I'm so jealous of that awesome wrap!

Its a bit loud :D

OK guys I need some input. Trying to track down the reverse light issue, its dark enough I needed them last weekend.

What I know:
Lights work, Plugged them into the brake circuit and they come on,

Wiring in the ghetto looking Junction box I thought would be the issue looks good.

~.4V to reverse lights in reverse. Same at the trailer reverse light plug.

Fuses good, (Ill check again tomorrow), but they were good last time I looked. Swapped with a similar looking relay, no change.

ghetto block i thought must be the issue

but neat and waterproof connectors inside....

One thing that was good I learned, the spare tire crank does not work with the large step bumper.... Good to know! Socket had been installed on crank to use with a ratchet.


Expedition Leader
Well reverse lights are fixed..... Entire wiring harness and all connections have been checked. Went through the fuses for a third time (there are 4 in two different fuse blocks related to the lights....) and found a blown one. I think I was reading the numbering/labeling wrong, half the fuses are sideways which makes things weird.

Anyway they work! Not very bright though, I will probably add a cheap 20" bar I have back there.

So last project for last night, try to fix the broken license plate light, no idea how it got so beat but it was cracked and about to fall off. Looked like ABS plastic so a little abs glue and some mek and hopefully it will be workable.



Expedition Leader
Finished up the backup light project.

Finally bought a riv nut tool, where have these been all my life?! No more trying to hold a box wrench on the back side for me!


Cheap Amazon light bar. Tied to the trailer reverse light circuit. Just clears the license plate light, and the door latches.

More light!


Make sure you put some sealer on the bolt or anti seize . Just so you can get it out later. Looks good !


Expedition Leader
Make sure you put some sealer on the bolt or anti seize . Just so you can get it out later. Looks good !

Damn good catch! I will have to spin them back out and put some anti seize on them. At least its easy with the riv nuts!


Expedition Leader
Ok guys, question and input needed.

I have a 3/16" steel plate floor, with 2x2 steel tube structure underneath.

Need to Insulate, is insulating between the tubes going to do much? I'm worried I will just have cold floor no matter what.

Hindsight and all that, I should have insulated below the flooring....

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