smartphone use is changing the models of future computing


Expedition Leader
The ways that people use smartphones is changing the what computing will become in the near future.

My 30-something friend is a good example. Outside of boring old work stuff, she has let go of email entirely. She has moved beyond Facebook to use Instagram photos and captions to keep in touch with her friends. She uses web-based location services to find shopping and dining deals. She meets her other computing needs with iPhone apps. The desktop at home now acts as a coat rack, and hasn't been used for who knows how long.

Cell phone service providers, network architects, and application builders are thinking about what computing will become in the near future. Here's an article that talks a little about what they're thinking.


Iron, but Gel
Highly portable (try pocketing an iPad) and less conspicuous (try photographing with an iPad), and it's easy to understand why more web access is done through these devices despite the cramped input portal, that tiny keyboard. I teach Social Media and New Media Applications and I've seen the migration with my students as more pads and laptops are being replaced with smartphones. Besides the usual app-based activities, students are using GoogleDocs to write and submit their work, to desk-top... or rather palm-top publish, and my photojournalism students are supplementing their DSLR takes with their smartphone cameras.

This isn't anything new, it's been trending since the introduction of the iPhone. The momentum, though, (and thanks to iCompetitors) is now sweeping along.

gary in ohio

I would much prefer to lug around a laptop over an ipad for any serious computer work. If all your doing is email and looking at a couple of web sites then fine, a table will work.. Trying to build a power point or edit a document via an ipad is a PIA.... I have an ipad for work to allow quick access when I am on call, but its basicly beocmes a remote desktop, I remote into my office PC where the real work is done.

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