check out this site ...that have a nice recipe list under cooking topics. BTW the weber smoker or the UDS are the best for the money.
Now you have me thinking. The company across the alley from my office has piles of food grade 55Gal drums.The intake holes at the bottom are your temperature control. Two have removable caps and one has a ball valve. It is said that you can keep a very constant temperature using these. From what I've read one cap off and the ball valve about half open can maintain temps at about 210* for 8 to 12 hours easily. Of course, every cooker is different and has to be "figured out" and the possibility exists that mine sucks and can't be regulated. :laughing: Only time and testing will tell.
You can google UDS or ugly drum smoker and get tons of hits. I read a lot at these pages and founds some good help and examples., Give it a shot and let us know how it turns out.
Now you have me thinking. The company across the alley from my office has piles of food grade 55Gal drums.
Just to give you an idea of places to look the place I'm talking about makes the beverage dispensing systems used in bars and restaurants. They also make the syrups for juice machines. The stuff that comes in drums is mostly fruit concentrates.I was kind of wondering how a guy could get a hold of a barrel that doesn't have all kinds of weird toxic chemicals and junk in it. I guess you just have to keep your eyes open and jump on one if you find it.
Back in the pioneer days of Alaska my Dad converted and old commercial freezer into a smoker. My Mom smoked a lot of fish in it. We have some old B&W pictures from back then that I should scan into digital format.So you could also use an old keg or something too. Pretty much any container. I remember an episode of Good Eats when he used a cardboard box to smoke salmon.
I thawed out a pot-roast...was thinking of smoking it. Ideas????
It's pretty easy really. Add a few breather holes in the bottom, a grill, and fire basket and start cooking.Here's some of the build:
Finally got started cause I'm ready to smoke some butts. I started with a VP racing fuel barrel that I got from a buddy.
I've read a ton of threads here, at,, the Texas BBQ Rub forums, and others and decided that a good donor grill would be the best source of parts. So I found this a Big Lots for $29.
It was a sealed barrel so I had to cut the lid off.