Spare wheel on front bar


Can someone remind me why this is considered a bad idea? I remember reading a few posts about it but can't find them.

Currently our spare is located under behind the rear axle under the chassis rails and its starting to become a problem as we get more adventurous with our travels. Its not possible to mount it on the rear of the camper due to 60% overhang rule, and we have enough weight up high already that the roof racks and camper roof are out too.

The wheel weighs ~48Kg (alloy) and we're currently rebuilding the front bar so i'm toying with the idea of mounting it there. I've read the ADRs and it seems doable from a legal standpoint (no sharp edges, signal lights viewable etc) but I think someone mentioned ride could be affected ? maybe airflow?


Crazy Person
In your setup I do not think that you would have issues mounting the spare on the front bar.
It is true that putting extra weight in that area can affect the suspension dynamics, but so does fitting a winch. From memory, you do not have a winch at the front, so fitting the spare there should have about the same effect as if you did.
As an indicator, my 17,500lbs winch weighs about 50Kg.


Don't forget that we are restricted at the front as well as the back. Check Qld reg's, from memory it is 1200mm from centre of front axle. Could be wrong but worth checking.

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