Engineer In Residence
Set the endplay, installed the bearing and seal, and torqued down the output collar nut. The bearing I ordered was the wrong size (30mm ID instead of 32). Someone will be getting an angry email. I pulled the bearing from the sprinters trans. It was in good shape, so I flushed and installed it. Its will have an easy life with no driveshaft hanging off it.

Hopefully it will never come apart again. Of course now I need to call Jen any time it needs moved. Its just not safe to even tip it over, to much aluminum casting to break. I am still waiting on the sleeves for the valve body. Hopefully I will have those tomorrow, and I can get the valve body bolted on after work.

Hopefully it will never come apart again. Of course now I need to call Jen any time it needs moved. Its just not safe to even tip it over, to much aluminum casting to break. I am still waiting on the sleeves for the valve body. Hopefully I will have those tomorrow, and I can get the valve body bolted on after work.