Stuffed bell peppers


get snorkeled
First off, I LOVE cheese. Most of the meals I prepare at home or out on the trail involve cheese....even if they arent suppose to.

required sustenance;

-yellow, red, orange bell peppers (green, but to me they dont taste aswell)
-cottage cheese
-maple syrup (brown sugar, or honey can be substituted).

I core, and cut the peppers in half, setting them just off to the side if you arent using maple syrup...if you are, drizzle the syrup over them insides facing up (They are ready to go on the grill). If you are NOT using maple syrup; take a tablespoon of soft butter and mix with brown sugar or honey in dallop into the pepper again facing inside up. When the grill has cooled down I throw them on until theyve seared nicely, not charring but just a hair.

The maple syrup or brown sugar will caramelize in the pores of the pepper. When theyve cooked on the grill, grab your ice cold cottage cheese and spoon a desired amount into the cooled peppers. I add salt over the cheese to get more of the sweet & savory thing going on.

Enjoy...and Cheers!

Pics to follow shortly.

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