

Day walker, Overland Certified OC0013
Well, sake isn't exactly a coctail, but I bet I could find one that includes sake. Hmmm now you're making me ponder...


sake... not a cocktail...sakeboms,they are not to be taken lightly for when you mix redbull and rice wine interesting things happen.:beer:


sake and redbull?? oh,,thats just great,, I've got used to the redbull vodka combos,, now something new to try,, I'll be heading to the liquer store in the morning!
and the sushi bar for lunch!

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
In Alaska I went on a sea kayak daytrip with another fella. He was dragging a line and caught a nice little silver salmon. He pulled a tube of wasabi from his vest and went to town. Eventually, he hucked some scraps to me and the crabs down below. :) yummy.


Spamicus Eliminatus
I'm in Vancouver right now for work. Boy is the sushi ever better here! Sashimi as thick as a good t-bone! :26_7_2:


Expedition Leader
Mmm, Maguro.

Once you've actually had "fresh" sashimi, you will be dissappointed by almost every sushi restaurant you go to.


Day walker, Overland Certified OC0013
robertdarin said:
sakeboms,they are not to be taken lightly for when you mix redbull and rice wine interesting things happen.:beer:
I'm not too sure about Red Bull and alcohol- an upper with a downer, should I sleep or build a house? Kind of like a latte... coffee and warm milk, is it morning or bedtime? :coffeedrink:


Or a cappuccino and a shot of Bailey's... The redbull and vodka taste great but,, you do have to watch how much you drink,, you become a wide awake drunk.. also they say its hard on the heart if you overdo it.. I had about 1/2 a 5th and 5 redbulls one night drinking till dawn,, I had the worst hangover of my life.. not the head hurting but the general feeling like your going to puke your guts out for several days.. and yes I'm sure I will do it again.. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right!?!?

And I had my sushi bento box lunch today,, got my raw fish fix!

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