SUV in the Sahara


New member
This is going to be a rather unusual report, because it all started when I flew to Egypt on holiday. I had wanted to do this for a very long time and here we are with friends, and here we are getting off at Sharm El Sheikh airport, getting into the car to the hotel And then we arrive there. The first few days it was skydiving, enjoying the sea, walking around the city and even going on a trip to Israel (where they wouldn't let me in at the beginning because of my beard because they thought I was a terrorist). And then on the 4th day of the holiday we finally got together and decided to drive off-road across the Sahara. Because of this we had to go to Marrakech (the guide from the hotel suggested we do that)
We arrived in the unique and mysterious city of Marrakech. And we will live in a traditional riad! We will visit the Hammam and of course drink mint tea with sweets. We'll end our evening with a Moroccan dinner. It's going to be amazing!!! Marrakech is often referred to as the "Red City" and to get a taste of its flavour, we will take a walk to the Medina. The Medina is the oldest part of the city and is surrounded by a high fortress wall. See the mosque, feel the hustle and bustle of the markets and meander around the maze of narrow streets where life still goes on as it did many years ago. See the Majorelle Gardens which is an impressive creation by the French painter Jacques Majorelle right in the middle of new Marrakech. This is where Yves Saint Laurent was inspired !
So, we start from Marrakech through the high Atlas Mountains (where the panoramic views are really beautiful) from the village of Agouim we turn towards Ifni Lake. This glacial lake is worth a story of its own, as it is the largest and highest mountain lake (2,295m above sea level) in Morocco. In hot weather you can even bathe in it and then drive off-road to the town of Taliouine, birthplace of the world's most precious spice - saffron - and spend the night at the Hotel Asskaoun.
On the 3rd day we leave for Tata province to Foum-Zguid village. The overnight stay will be at the unique Bab Riaml hotel surrounded by palm groves and red mountains. There we will enjoy local cuisine, relax in a Moroccan Spa, and most importantly, watch the sun set behind the mountains while lounging in the pool.

And on the following days we rode different trails in the desert in an off-road vehicle, it was awesome!!!11.jpg22.png33.jpg


New member
Sounds like an epic adventure you had there in Egypt and Morocco! Driving off-road across the Sahara and staying in traditional riads, that's not your typical vacation. And sorry to hear about the beard mishap in Israel, that's not a fun experience. Speaking of vacations, have you ever considered upgrading your travel experience with cheap business class flights? It can really make a difference in your comfort and enjoyment during your trip. Plus, with all the adventures you have planned, you'll definitely want to be well-rested for each new day. Anyway, it sounds like you have some incredible experiences ahead, from the panoramic views of the high Atlas Mountains to the glacial lake of Ifni.

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