Sweet Hiluxes in "District 9"


Well there's some obvious parallels to Apartheid if that's what you're talking about, but I'd hardly call that an 'under-theme'; it's pretty blatant, especially since the race-zoned areas of the city were called "districts." IIRC, District 6 was the one that they forcibly removed something like 60,000 people from at the beginning of enforcement.

Ok, going to white text to avoid plot spoilers: Did anyone else notice that the plot of the movie runs concurrently with the last 12 years of Apartheid, yet they never really addressed this in the movie during any of the interviews with "random citizens" or reporters? I mean it seems like with Apartheid (of the humans in Johannesburg) and the forced isolation of the Prawns occuring at the same time, they would've tried to expand on that theme. I guess it didn't really create any conflicts in the plot though. Maybe I missed something...reading into literary subleties was never my strong suit.

I saw the movie for the second time this past weekend. I can't remember the last time I paid to see a movie twice, but for some reason I really enjoyed District 9. I was definitely trying to see more details every time a Hilux was in a scene, but the scenes move so fast that it's hard to catch one of them for more than a second or two. That is, until the DVD comes out :drool:


Wikus Van De Merwe: Get your fokkin' tentacle out of my face!

Wikus Van De Merwe: Hello, little guy! It's the sweetie man coming!

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Saw the movie last night and I got more enjoyment out of laughing at it than anything else. I did enjoy it, but the Suth Ufrikan accent that Wikus has had me rolling around, especially with some of the quick funny comments he had.

Oh, and I spotted the ARB bars right away. My guess would be that they probably used OME suspension as well. It seemed to hold up pretty well while flying thru the air, barrel rolling.


The trucks can't handle too much lift, but I guess it depends on whether or not they did cut out the fenders, like someone suggested earlier.

Since there's such limited info about those trucks, we may never know... Maybe it was all CG and none of them were really real?


Fixer & Builder of Things
How do you "fabricate" with this stuff? Is it used primarily in large panel type situations? I've also heard this stuff can float.. Do you cut it on a waterjet?


[OffTopic] In the lab at school we have some of the closed cell aluminum foam used in bomb-proofing buildings. It weights basically nothing and you can bang on it with a hammer pretty hard before it starts to deform. Pretty neat stuff. District 9 was really cool though and the Heluxes made it all the better.


Really? To me it looked like the trucks were lifted to much for an OME setup, but again, it was hard to get a good look at them sitting still for very long.

Yeah if kinda looked like a bracket lift in one of the photo's. It could have also been a SAS...haha Most likely a bracket lift though..


I think it was just a 3" lift with a 2" bodylift.....more common in south africa...heres another pic I just came across -



You guys really think D9 was good? It was HORRIBLE!!! It was like a guy wrote a decent story, handed it to a kid with ADD and a pair of sicissors and said "drink a red bull and have at it!"

CG was good, the hilux..s and the casspirs were cool. But the plots (yes plural, which is a bad idea to begin with) were misrible. Cmon, Pick an angle, moving them, getting them to leave, metamorphisis, make up your mind. I wanted to leave after about 10 min and the only thing keeping me there was that I paid for the tickets.



Web Adventurer
wow, i thought they where nissan titans in D9, but there not. thats pretty cool! i want one! :D


Cool rigs and a really enjoyable movie. I went in without knowing much about it, no real expectations. I was pleasantly surprised.

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