Swiss Army, our 1985 Saurer 6DM build.


Inside is finished. Lots of storage, here drawers they put in.

We have three sources of electricity. The original solar/battery 24v and 230v (kept their outlets), also can connect to shore power or generator. Plus, I added a 24v to 110v inverter(for my outlets), plus outlets for 110v that are sourced by either shore power, or the generator, all on one 30amp RV cord.

Our new (bought on craigslist for 500 bucks!), Splendide washer/dryer.[/IMG][/URL]
The original Dometic sink and propane stove.
View from the back of the new floor

Rear end, with red shelf for stereo system.

We went a tad crazy with aluminum trim stuff!

Cat space, food and pooper. Plus a hole in the back for her to 'escape'~!

Cover for shower pan.

New ceiling is probably not going to work. Cheap plastic from Home Depot, says right on there, don't use in RV when there's heat! Well, we have heat, due to the 5-bar aluminum roof! Oh well, looks great in the morning when it's cold. The plastic ripples when heated.

Last few things to do, include, adding more LED lights to the new section, you saw the wiring. And to paint the new addition exterior! Fun.


Additional lighting, caulking, cleanup, just a few more things to do. Built a bracket for a slide-out square rod to support the main ladder for my wife to get out of truck. Works great.

Under-cabinet lighting.
Original aluminum lighting strip repurposed in bathroom, Osram brand LED lights, switch on far left.

Vintage medicine cabinet.

Table is bolted in.

Deep cabinets we built to hide electrical panels also work for storing cooking supplies!

Cat stuff.
From Germany, 230v outdoor electrical outlet. For the Euro tools that came with the truck.

38 gallon water tank to be fitted on outer front bulkhead.


Testing out the beast at the Mogollon Rim near Payson, AZ. So far the new addition is in one piece! Very pleased with the rig.


Thanks! It feels weird getting up in the morning, and NOT working on the Saurer! But, have other things to do, like, rebuilding our deck railings. Nice to have, but pine rots eventually!

My Photobucket account is acting strangely, not sure if it's by intent, but the pop-up ads are annoying, and copying/posting pics seems to be a challenge these days.

My wife, soaking up the late afternoon sun!



Our first big adventure, Baja California! Been out for a week, currently in Guerrero Negro heading down to Loreto then back end of month. Everything works great, could use more solar power but this time of year not so good.

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