Team Equipt's "Central America Expedition"


New member
Saw Paul today a couple minutes away from my house and decided to pull over and check out the 100...nice chatting with you and glad you guys made it back a-ok!



Disabled Adventurer
Saw Paul today a couple minutes away from my house and decided to pull over and check out the 100...nice chatting with you and glad you guys made it back a-ok!


Glad you got to chat Paul up Tyson! Also, glad our amigo Paul May made it back safely and with no bandito stories from his trip north from here in Sayulita. Beverly and I are still in Mexico on our trip and will not re-enter the US until mid-may we are thinking. Looks like our Latin America Trip will end at EXPO May 18th! We are going to be here in Sayulita learning to speak better spanish and possible taking up stand up paddle boarding until April 15th then back on the road north through Copper Canyon and other cool places. Stay tuned for more of our trip to be uploaded here......


Chris Nordstrom
Damn you Ben. I can't wait to catch-up with you and hear all about your trip. See you in May at Expo. I will bring the Zacapa.


I love these two vehicles and love the setup each has!

Thanks for the inspiring documentary of your travels, your keeping many of us going watching your posting!

Enjoy Sayulita, I have spent some much needed winter "time off" sitting on the beach down there.


Aventurero de la Selva
I am running BFG All-Terrains, 295-75-16s. I believe they will be fine

Not sure who drove what, but did the Land Cruiser 80 have F/R lockers? If not, do you feel they would have been of more or less value than BFG KM2 tires in the jungle (versus the BFG ATs)?
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Disabled Adventurer
Not sure who drove what, but did the Land Cruiser 80 have F/R lockers? If not, do you feel they would have been of more or less value than BFG KM2 tires in the jungle (versus the BFG ATs)?

Both of the Land Cruisers had Front & Rear lockers and they definitely made a huge difference in the mud in my opinion. We also each had a pair of RUD tire chains that helped out. In the end I'm not sure I would use the tire chains again due to their continued need of repair, but the lockers in mud are awesome. If the 80 would've had a better tire than my near worn out BFG All Terrains it would've made a small difference. The KM2's are just plain killer mud tires and I might use them in the future. The thing I don't care for are the wear and roar of the tire as compared to their AT brothers.
Overall the 80 only got stuck two times. Once on a very long run where we were the last to go through and two of the other vehicles were stuck before us. I took an alternate route and made it within 30 feet of solid ground before high centering both differentials. Other than that Beverly stuck the 80 once and after Paul winched her out from the rear she made a second attempt at the same line and made it easily, just a momentum issue:) I don't want to get into which vehicle is better than the other in the mud, but will say that the 80 Series was a treat to drive when it got bad and felt very confident in all terrains that we have experienced.


great trip thanks for posting; hey question for ya I know the no limit defenders are diesel did you find it difficult to find gasoline? also what route did you take back from cancun or even how did you get down there?? You don't have to give the whole list just wondering which way did you go thru mexico was it thru texas?? did you go along the east coast or middle?? thanks also did you have to bring anything special as in papers for the vehicles


Disabled Adventurer
great trip thanks for posting; hey question for ya I know the no limit defenders are diesel did you find it difficult to find gasoline? also what route did you take back from cancun or even how did you get down there?? You don't have to give the whole list just wondering which way did you go thru mexico was it thru texas?? did you go along the east coast or middle?? thanks also did you have to bring anything special as in papers for the vehicles

As for the diesel vs. Gas finding in Mexico & Central America I find it that there is way more gas available at stations than diesel. Not that diesel is scarce, but gas is at every single stations where as diesel is not available at every station. This is compounded more in Mexico where diesel is not as popular as you would think it would.
As for our route down we entered through Reynosa, TX near Brownsville. We wanted to avoid the entire east coast so we went the central mountain route all the way down and avoided D.F. (Mexico City) with the ARCO NORTE that skirts it on the east side. South of D.F. we have been all over the place and felt very safe.
We brought all the appropriate papers that each country requires like original title, registration, Mexico Insurance, dog/vet papers, passports and plenty of copies of all them.
Hope this helps!


thanks so much for the reply; i was just down there about 1 hour south of cancun but I took the east route (air plane). one last question was no limit receptive to you tagging along? I have not reached out to them yet because that type of trip is a long way off for me. Doing moab and other parts of the USA first to get my feet wet this summer.


Disabled Adventurer
thanks so much for the reply; i was just down there about 1 hour south of cancun but I took the east route (air plane). one last question was no limit receptive to you tagging along? I have not reached out to them yet because that type of trip is a long way off for me. Doing moab and other parts of the USA first to get my feet wet this summer.

James at No Limit Expeditions was very keen on us traveling on in our land cruisers. This was the first time that he had allowed other vehicles other than their own. Part of it was due to the fact that I had done 3 previous trips with he and Graham and we knew each others traveling styles and capabilities. I'm sure he takes the request on a case by case basis, it doesn't hurt to ask when you time comes....
I've been enjoying reading your trip updates and viewing the beautiful pictures...I hope you don't mind, but I've saved an image or two for use as a screen-saver because they were so breath-taking! It look like you two are having the time of your lives, many congrats to you for that! One question I have, and really, anyone could chime in and answer this question that has done these kind of extended overland expedition scenarios, is this: We all know that unfortunately, disagreements and arguments are part of any relationship. Do you think than an extended trip like this compounds that situation, or no more than any normal relationship might experience? Pardon my intrusion if the question seems a bit too personal, I respect your non-answer if you'd rather not discuss it. Also, what kind of trips might an individual might want to attempt prior to planning an extended excursion such as yours, if they've done only minimal overland trips such as camping in the mountains or at the beach a few days, etc? I await a trip update, and hopefully your response! Many blessings!


Disabled Adventurer
It's been a while and we are all back home safely editing down the over 6K images and almost 1K of video clips. We are already planning next years adventure as we speak!
Here is Part II of our trip featured in Equipt's own "Sojournal." be sure to click on the video link on the opening page for F8 & 40 Years.

Please enjoy and let us know your thoughts and more of what you would like to see in the Sojournal.


Benjie Edmonson
Dir. Of Marketing
Equipt Expedition Outfitters

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Are you guys planning on posting any additional updates? Seems like you quit posting after Paul had to head back? Would love to hear about the rest of your adventure!

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