TerraLiner:12 m Globally Mobile Beach House/Class-A Crossover w 6x6 Hybrid Drivetrain


Here is a platform for you: :cool:

Hi Jacinto (https://www.jacinto-lda.com/en/),

I’ve known for a while that Volvo and Rosenbauer have been collaborating on EV solutions for firetrucks, in particular, Rosenbauer’s “CFT” — see https://innovation.rosenbauer.com/en/concept-fire-truck/ , https://www.oemoffhighway.com/elect...es-with-rosenbauer-on-zeroemission-fire-truck , https://24htech.asia/basel-orders-4-electric-fire-trucks-from-rosenbauer-s141129.html , https://www.firerescue1.com/apparat...pparatus-to-nations-capital-upKF7aR4K9fajzJq/ , https://insideevs.com/news/445918/first-electric-fire-trucks-on-their-way/ , https://www.artstation.com/artwork/d8mY5e , https://www.volvopenta.com/about-us...ic-fire-trucks-are-on-their-way-to-customers/ .

And more recently, a fire-truck version of Volvo’s FL — https://www.electrive.com/2020/10/10/rosenbauer-volvo-release-all-electric-fire-truck/ , https://www.oemoffhighway.com/elect...edriveline-for-rosenbauer-electric-fire-truck , https://www.volvotrucks.com/en-en/trucks/trucks/volvo-fl/volvo-fl-electric.html .

But I didn’t realise that Rosenbauer is working on an electric version of the Panther? Where did you find this video? And/or inf ormation about an electric Panther?

? ? ? ? ? ?

It’s rather incredible how quickly Volvo is offering electrified versions of all of its trucks, including the FMX — https://www.volvotrucks.com/en-en/trucks/trucks/volvo-fmx/volvo-fmx-electric.html , https://insideevs.com/news/547671/volvo-fmx-electric-arctic-conditions/ .

But I was particularly struck by a version of the FMX that one outfitter in particular is proposing, where the FMX’s battery pack can get upgraded to as much as 900 kWh — https://www.futuricum.com/en/electric-commercial-vehicles/ , https://www.futuricum.com/en/electric-fmx-truck/ , https://www.futuricum.com/en/electric-fh-truck/ , https://www.futuricum.com/en/construction-logistics/ , https://www.futuricum.com/en/batteries-2/ , https://futuricum.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/Factsheet_Futuricum_FMX_Tipper_40E_10x4R_en_web.pdf , https://futuricum.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/Factsheet_Futuricum_FMX_Concrete_40E_10x4R_en_web.pdf :



Recall that most current “large” Expedition Motorhomes of the kind built by Actionmobil and Unicat, are basically habitation boxes put on the backs of construction trucks like the MAN TGS, the Mercedes Actros, and the Volvo FMX. See for instance http://www.actionmobil.com/en/3-axle/globecruiser . So what you see above, is the shape of the future: a thoroughly electric base vehicle.

It’s really quite interesting how much Volvo has teamed up of late with Rosenbauer on various projects, including a revamping of the Panther’s engine to a Volvo Penta — https://066.8a8.mwp.accessdomain.com/resources/case-studies/rosenbauer-panther-6-x-6/ , https://www.oemoffhighway.com/marke...scue-and-firefighting-vehicle-at-minexpo-2021 .

Recall that the Panther was originally based on a MAN-KAT torsion-free chassis that was also widened: it’s circa 3 m wide, so much too wide for ordinary highway travel. But it also came with a huge above-1,000 HP M.A.N. engine. If memory serves, the kind of engine normally found only in boats. So Rosenbauer seems to be gradually moving its fire-trucks in the direction of deeper and deeper collaboration with Volvo.

Ronsebauer even collaborated with both Volvo and Tatra to produce the “TIGON” off-road “wilderness grade” 8x8 firetruck — see https://www.alexmiedema.nl/2018/08/03/rosenbauer-tatra-volvo-tigon/ , https://www.rosenbauer.com/en/ca/rosenbauer-world/vehicles/industrial-vehicles/tigon , https://www.rosenbauer.com/fileadmi...vehicles/specialty/docs/Brochure_Tigon_EN.pdf, https://topgear-autoguide.com/categ...ire-brigade-offroad-fire-truck-20181607094972 , https://www.bigmacktrucks.com/topic/54036-tatra-introduces-new-tigon-firefighting-range/ , https://www.facebook. com/ rosenbauerfans /videos/the-tigon-the-universal-fire-fighting-vehicle-2-in-1-arff-industrial-application/257975014866105/ :


And most intriguing of all, Rosenbauer has a “specialty vehicles” department, one that is happy to create unique solutions for a price, of course. See https://www.rosenbauer.com/en/ca/rosenbauer-world/vehicles/industrial-special-vehicles , https://www.rosenbauer.com/en/ca/ro.../industrial-special-vehicles/special-vehicles , https://www.rosenbauer.com/blog/en/cat/vehicles/special-vehicles/ , https://www.rosenbauer.com/blog/en/buffalos-in-the-north/ , https://www.rosenbauer.com/blog/en/a-special-airport-firefighting-vehicle-the-mt-airport-buffalo/ , https://www.rosenbauer.com/fileadmi...ente/INTERN/BUFFALO_extreme_GTLF_33000_en.pdf, https://www.rosenbauer.com/fileadmi...derfahrzeuge_EN_216x303_2015-05-11_v22_sj.pdf , https://www.rosenbauer.com/fileadmin/sharepoint/products/specialvehicles/INTERN_Interschutz_2015/Prospekte_Sonderfahrzeuge_neu/rb_gbk_broschure_CBS_EN_216x303_2015-05-11_v18_ks.pdf , https://www.rosenbauer.com/blog/en/the-interplay-of-theory-and-practice/ .

The focus at Rosenbauer is of course fire-trucks. But if one were to want to get a Volvo FMX:

(A) specially fitted out with a large specialised crew cab

(B) a non-flexing torsion-free frame (perhaps a Tatra triangular backbone frame as per the TIGON), (C) a serial-hybrid power train, with electric motors, and 900 kWh of battery packs

(D) and a Volvo Penta range-extending generator

(E) that also does double-duty as boondocking generator to recharge the 900 kWh battery packs in 4 hours or less, for “mostly silent” glamping….

….then it would be hard to think of a better company to pull off this technological feat, creating a vehicle that would not only work and not break down, but that could also be serviced worldwide at Rosenbauer service centres on every continent — https://www.rosenbauer.com/en/13/rosenbauer-world/service/in-use-around-the-world .

Just a thought…..☺

All best wishes,

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New member
Hi Jacinto (https://www.jacinto-lda.com/en/),

But I didn’t realise that Rosenbauer is working on an electric version of the Panther? Where did you find this video? And/or inf ormation about an electric Panther?


I am not sure what you mean about electric Panther. The video is an electric version of the Jacinto Lusitano, found in the link you provided over.

There is though an electric chinese Panther knock off:



This British start-up is a more promising platform:




Hi all!

here a video from youtube:

here the channel of the people who are doing this:

OBVIOUSLY - the presented chassis is NOT a good base for an Overlander!!
Listen to the details and you get the idea - Skoolie body onto a truck chassis, build your own chassis and put on it whatever you want. As much "generator" as you want, as much battery as you want - (observe, they use LiFePO 4 , NOT Li-Ion!) - the only 2 factors you really have to sort for your build: How much braking do you want - and how strong of a frame do you need for that....?!!



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