Thank you NPS!


Automotive ADHD is fun!
So in preparation for my upcoming Hawaii trip, I stopped by the GGNRA book store and picked up my free Interagency Access Pass

All I had to do was show my doctor's note "This is to inform you that Ben has Type-1 Diabetes, a permanent condition that significantly limits and affects his daily life activities" and they handed me the pass. Took 3 minutes. The pass gives me and any passengers in my car free access to any national parks, discounts on camping and other things, and certain secret magical powers*

NOTE: Magical powers may vary and may be imagined.

Check out for details. They also have a pass for the over 62 set, but I have a ways to go on that one.
Access Pass

For U.S. citizens or permanent residents with permanent disabilities.
May be obtained in person at a federal recreation site or through the mail using this application form. The cost of obtaining an Access Pass through the mail is ten dollars ($10) for processing the application (the Pass is free). Applicants must provide documentation of permanent disability and residency or citizenship.
May provide a 50 percent discount on some amenity fees charged for facilities and services such as camping, swimming, boat launching, and specialized interpretive services.
Generally does NOT cover or reduce special recreation permit fees or fees charged by concessioners.
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We have a Senior Pass in our household and agree it's one of the best bargains we've gotten in a very long time!


Your pass should also work where a forest adventure pass is required. Just get the paper holder to hang it from your rear view mirror. You can get discounts on camping at national forest campgrounds too.
It's a good pass to have, as long as you use it.


It's a great pass and those who need it should take advantage of it. I use it because it makes the access much easier. But it's also important to remember that the NSF and our parks need the money to keep the doors open. So hopefully everyone who enjoys our parks finds a way to drop a few coins in the coffers along the way.


Expedition Leader
Also check with your state as some states have one for state parks. Oregon has them.
If your a Vet with a disability you can also get the Access pass.
I have both but have not had a chance to use them much yet.

You need a combined rating of at least 50% I believe to get the Access pass free. I have both state and ntnl passes and use them regularly.

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