The Adventure Continues - Sedona to the Grand Canyon


It may be correct or not, but as long as the rude and overbearing visitor was not a park ranger, it was not his bloody business to barge in.
I am awed by the OP's self-control and composure - not sure I'd behave that well.

I am in agreement completely. It was not the person's business to tell others who belongs and who does not. I only wished to correct a misunderstanding before a lot of folks read the thread and thought that they did not need a permit and then get hit with a hefty fine.


What a great trip. I remember having your EXACT same reaction when I first saw the canyon "appear" through the trees. That feeling of "did I really just see that?!!" So cool. I also have paraphrased the movie Grand Canyon with Danny Glover so many times to people (if you haven't seen the movie Kevin Kline is struggling with life issues and Danny Glover keeps telling him to go to the Grand Canyon....Kevin Kline has no idea why and keeps asking him. Finally Kevin Kline does go and has the totally humbling experience of seeing it and it puts all the day to day BS in perspective). I have tried to explain how your day to day issues just shrink away standing there looking at rock that is 2 billion years old. So cool!

Loved your pics and how easily you dealt with the ************. I would like to think I would have been that good about it....not sure that I would. But kudo's to you for that. The bottom line is you still had a great trip with incredible scenery with your wife and he woke up the next morning and was still an ************.

Thanks for sharing this with us!
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