The "Az Crew" Thread


1973 Magnum Force...

Hello to the AZ crew. I just rolled down the hill towards Payson and stopped for the night near Pine. Any suggestions on cool places to camp and explore around the area here? Going to spend a week or so in the Payson area. I tried to get up on the bluff but the forest service roads up there are closed...assuming due to the snow.
Driving a full size ford van with a high top. It's 4wd and does well off road but not looking to rock crawl obviously...."a man has got to know his limitations" Name that movie quote!
Any suggestions are appreciated!

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I know it's not a trail, but at least check out Tonto Natural Bridge while you're in the Payson area.
Also, there's a rim trail that JohnnyB runs every so often, I'm sure he'll chime in...Also to tell you the movie was Magnum Force, but I beat him to it!
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I was going to check out the natural bridge, thanks. Curious to hear about the rim trail. Also, nice pull on the movie quote :)

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New member
Thanks, I believe its a pretty fair deal. It needs some love but it has good bones. Edited post to reflect heater core bypass


I'm Getting Around To It
HoseB's B-Day is Sunday and he's been talking it up for about a year, so we are bending to his will and going camping somewhere he can try to catch fish - this time it looks like Sheep Bridge at the eastern terminus of Bloody Basin road at the Verde River. Eh, not my choice, but the young man has sort of paid his dues. Looking like a leave-out from here Saturday morning and a return Sunday night (the guard dogs will still be patrolling the grounds here, so don't try any funny business).

Changed the engine oil/filter on the 95 and flushed out the transmission fluid, which took a LOT of quarts of SP-III. We started with the transmission flush by disconnecting the return line from the radiator (the last point of flexible line before return to the transmission) and ran it until empty, refilled it, ran it until it ran red, or clean, then drained the transmission pan, refilled it and ran it again until it ran clean, then buttoned it back up and topped it off. It was over ten quarts until it ran out consistently clean (shifter in neutral, engine-on). I'll check the level again after my drive to-from work tomorrow.

I pulled off the Justice-bumper after work and repainted it. Too bad he could never interest anyone in buying his design; it's really solid. I managed to put a small dent in the middle of the back years ago (like the size of a quarter), but I bet the rock that took the hit was crying.

At some point, the plastic lower body trim is going to get repainted gloss black again since the rattle can stuff only lasts a couple of years without a garage.

Other than that, game on.

John B.


That's cool johnny, glad your back to the fold in full force. I'm in Anaheim getting ready to hit disneyland for the first time in about 17 years. I'm already feeling the regret, but the kids are jazzed for rides. We shall see how they feel after waiting 2 plus hours in line for a 3 minute ride. Magic Mountain is where it's at, eventually they will learn that too.


I'm Getting Around To It
Back from the Verde River and Sheep Bridge. The 95 performed flawlessly; the BFG KM-2 that blew out a sidewall on the trail did not. I think the sun has taken its toll on a lot of the rubber I have. Ah well, I guess I like buying tires, right?

HoseB's 89 5-speed V-6 (I previously thought it was a 90, oops) has issues. We had to leave it on the side of the trail shortly after leaving the pavement because it was overheating (it "just" needs a rodded radiator, a fan clutch and probably a water pump) and it also likes to die when he depresses the clutch and idles real low when it doesn't outright quit. Not fun.

The 83 Power Rammer that Jorge drove was great. No issues with that one.

All in all a good time, and I'm really working up my summer tan.

John B.


Forest Defecator
I'm going to attempt to shake off my official "that guy" title and let you know that I'll be in Az in a couple of weeks. That's the plan anyway barring death, dismemberment or catastrophic work implosion. I've been thru two of those three already hence my cancellations on previous trips. Yeah, I know - I'm tempting fate to deal the trifecta and I should know better by now but if I'm dead will I really care that I didnt make it?

Anyway, I figured it's better to warn you than to just show up. Eta is weds/Thurs first week of April. Hanging in Eloy for a day or two and then heading to Sedona to introduce the family to the trails there and camping nearby. Likely heading out the following Monday for Valley of the Gods and possibly the Toroweap.

The rig is running strong and has been totally rebuilt twice since I saw you last - thanks in large part to incorporated x. Lots of upgrades need to be tested so if you're up for some trails drop me a line.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
ETO kit, that's the only way to fly for those of us with automatic transmissions.


camp loser
Yeah mang use one of these guys with a pump that gives either a mile marker or a red winch the juice it wants and it'll be reday for those winch all day winch all night trails and be very fast

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