The Bigger Red Pig


One of the things that surprised me the most about Malibu was that it was just pretty open as far as parking, and businesses. It was like a small town along the beach instead of the mass of humanity that LA is.

I know where you are coming from about being more comfortable there as a humble country boy.

The water was crazy cold! I walked out a bit, but I would want a wet suit if I was going to swim in it. I thought Gloria(the girl in orange) was nuts for how long she spent out there.

It was my favorite part of the whole trip. It was beautiful out there!

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So a month or so back I went down to Nogales, Mexico for the day with a friend of mine. She was visiting Tucson, and wanted to see Mexico before she left. So I grabbed my old film camera, a roll of black and white, and the truck keys. I finally got the film developed so I thought I would share.






Yep that is a donkey.




It was a fun day trip, and I've always thought it was so cool that its that easy to go to a completely different country with a different culture. I love Mexico!
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Been doing a bit of work to the truck lately. My bike's transmission has a serious issue so I haven't been riding it much and driving around instead. This has kicked my butt in gear to get some stuff done. That and on the 3rd a friend of mine is flying into Tucson to road trip with me to Utah, Nevada, and eventually LA. From LA I will be driving across the country with all my stuff and ending up in Alabama. Probably.

No pressure. :)


Back a couple weeks ago I was trying to fix my non-working odometer and forgot to close the hatch before pulling out of the garage. I caught the door, bent it slightly and broke the hatch hinges off my cap. I went to a local shop and they told me that there was no way I was going to find a replacement part and I should just go to a hardware store. After asking another shop and getting the same answer I went to Ace and got a large oversized metal hinge.



I decided I wanted an oversized one so I could cut it down a bit and keep the beef. While I was cutting it I went ahead and painted the gap between the cap and the back of the cab. I had been putting it off, but since I am moving and needed to get rid of the paint it was now or never.


Pretty sad state of affairs.


I spent a bit of time with the grinder cutting the hinges down to size.


Before and after


I was getting frustrated with it after I broke a cutoff wheel, and a couple other parts. So I pulled out the camera, set it to timed setting and everytime I would get up to get a tool, or water or something I would hit the timer. I got some interesting pictures in between the painting and installing the back hatch again. Looking at the candid pictures kept me from getting quite as frustrated, as then even if I kept breaking stuff and not making progress I at least had some cool pics which is progress.

Drilling out the original rivets and removing the broken hinges.




I threw a coat of black paint on the hinges, and tossed them up on the roof.


I added some heavy grade eight fasteners with locknuts as well. I didn't want it to fall off. I sealed up the holes as best I could with some rtv also.

Then to install the hatch.





By this point it was getting pretty late and I called it a night. But I got the hatch on and it was now painted. Progress.


The next day I spent a bit of time working on an idea I had the night before. I had read about people using bicycle parts for a hand throttle so I went around to different bike shops to get some pieces I needed, and some other parts.

I used a rotary thumb shifter attached to the gearshift. That and a 6 foot shifter cable, plus some electrical crimp connectors and viola.



I can use it sitting in the seat with my hand resting on the shifter. It works great as a cruise control so far, it ratchets into place and I adjusted it so that it releases with a firm push. It keeps me from throttling up and down while cruising so it should improve mileage a tiny amount.


I vastly prefer it to a normal cruise control. The motorcyclist in me is perfectly comfortable driving around using it as a throttle and not even touching the pedal. I can think of a couple ways it could go horrible wrong, but I don't think it will.
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The next day I got the rest of the interior headliner put in. Its a bit of a patchwork, but it does what I want it to do.



Then I installed some curtains. I am having a bit of trouble getting them to stay but I think I have a good way to keep them in place now.



From a distance it just looks like dark tinted windows, which was the idea.



The next day I got some wood and started on a platform system. I originally thought I might be able to cut a piece long enough to just wedge into place without any extra side boxes. It would be temporary but good enough.

Once I cut it to size I realized it wouldn't be that simple. A bit of head scratching ensued.




So I went back to my original plan which was two side boxes with a center removable section. I want to add lids that open at some point but this should do for now.



I realized when loading the plywood that a full 4x8 sheet of 3/4 inch was way to heavy to be pulling in and out so I cut it down into smaller sections.



These smaller sections could then be stacked, or moved so that whenever I want an open bed, I have it. If I want to camp out of it without a lot of stuff I can sleep down on the floor of the bed and keep the headroom using the side boxes for storage. I can use one section as a shelf if I want to also.


Or if like next week I have everything I own in the truck this setup will allow me to still have a small area in the back to lay out and sleep. It holds my weight fine, there is a access panel on the passenger side, curtains, enough headroom to not bother me and plenty of space for stuff.


Oh and at some point I bolted the cap down, started fixing the a/c and put the dash back together.
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Sneak peek.






I have another 300-400 pictures to go through for another post. That is of course if anyone wants to see them? :)
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Expedition Leader
Good meeting you last week. Your welcome any time!
I'm looking forward to seeing some of your adventures.


My friend flew into Tucson on June 8th. I had spent the week or so before that in a mad scramble to fit my life into my truck again. The problem wasn't that everything wouldn't fit, it was more the fact that it all was everywhere! But I got it all loaded up in time, went by the airport to pick her up, and we went out for some drinks. At the bar I was thinking about how I used to be concerned when everything I owned was just chilling on the street in my truck. Sometime this year that all changed and I stopped being concerned. I couldn't care less, and I realized that even if it all was gone it wouldn't change my approach to life.


I got a mohawk one crazy night during my first motorcycle trip. So I thought I would go with another one. I always cut my hair before a trip, its easier to handle. A mohawk is just more creative.


So with a mohawk, a co-pilot, and a mild hangover its time to head out.



We took off north towards Zion national park with about all the speed my old truck could muster. She had to be back in Los Angeles in 4 days so we weren't hanging around too much. We did stop at an overlook to snap a couple pics after 5 hours or so.





But other than that there were almost no stops. I drove late into the night and we pulled off at some small town to sleep. The sign in the morning made us feel very comfortable about our stopping place. :Wow1:


It really wasn't much to be afraid of though. There wasn't hardly anyone around. Most people tell me that my old truck is pretty intimidating anyway, so its unlikely anyone will bug us.



We drove north a bit more. I really like the red rocks of the utah/arizona area. They are just beautiful!


My truck was squating a little bit with all the weight, and it wasn't exactly a thrill ride so we had plenty of time to stop and take pictures out on the winding back roads.






I had the benefit of having another photographer along with me this time.


Although sometimes I did wonder what she was taking pictures of.


But honestly its pretty hard to find something bad to take a pic of out here.


I still take my photography very seriously!


And use all available aids to my technique.


Afterall the beauty of this place should be shared.

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Expedition Leader
Thanks for posting those pics Zephyr. I think your ghetto repair of the canopy is just fine. Also it looks like your box set-up is coming along nicely. Keep those pics coming, especially the black and white ones. So cool!:)


Glad you like them Chilliwak!

Earlier in the day we had driven past a place that had a familiar looking bike parked out front. I thought about waving but didn't. Later when we stopped to take pictures I heard a familiar exhaust.


I waved and went back to photographing figuring he would just wonder why I was waving and continue riding. Well instead he swung around and stopped to chat. He was a blast to talk to. Very enthusiastic about traveling and riding in general. It cracked me up as I had just told my friend about the comraderie of moto riders.


Later on when we stopped for lunch we would walk out of the restaurant right as he pulled up to park. We spent a while hanging around in the parking lot chatting about bikes. A group of harley riders showed up that ignored us completely but I couldn't help but laugh that every guy on a dirtbike would wave and stop us along the way to chat.

So after that we were headed up to Zion when we ran across a shop that sold a photography book. It highlighted areas in utah that we interesting to photographers. My co-pilot thought that there were some pretty cool places in there we should stop and see. One of them was a slot canyon south of Zion. That will come later in the story though since we saw a sign going to the Coral Sand Dunes state park.


Hit a left and this is what we found.




So we took a couple pictures.





And then we continued out of the park headed to Zion. There is a south and a north entrance to the park. So we took the more winding North entrance out and completely forgot the slot canyon. For now.

My co-pilot thought that my mohawk was so pimp that she decided she wanted one too. So we headed into town to get some gel. But wait!


Nah its cool.


We continued on into town and found a little joint that sold some gel. After testing them in the grocery store we found one that seemed to be able to do the job. We headed north a bit and came across a respectable looking place to pull off.



Yeah should be great! Doesn't look sketchy at all.


She got right to work. It wasn't as easy as we thought though.


In fact it really wasn't working.


We ran an entire thing of hair gel through her hair but it just wouldn't hold up. So after laughing at ourselves for awhile we cleaned our hands off in the dirt and headed back into town to find somewhere better to clean our hands.

We headed north again and after almost taking almost 2 days to get a distance I thought would take 1 day we made it to zion.


It was beautiful. So we decided to go hiking.


More tomorrow.
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Looks like you guys are having a good trip. Nice job on the photos and keeping the plan for the trip flexible.

When you put the new front springs in, did you do anything with the front driveshaft or did you just bolt the stock one back in?


New member
any updates on the truck or your adventures? between you and metcalf i'm def getting motivated to finally get some work done on my 1st gen


Looks like you guys are having a good trip. Nice job on the photos and keeping the plan for the trip flexible.

When you put the new front springs in, did you do anything with the front driveshaft or did you just bolt the stock one back in?

I just bolted the stock one back in. It seems to be fine, it hasn't protested any of the crap I've put the truck through yet. Although I don't really use this truck very hard offroad. Sometimes I think a 2wd would make more sense.

any updates on the truck or your adventures? between you and metcalf i'm def getting motivated to finally get some work done on my 1st gen

I haven't done anything with the truck lately. I drove the truck across the country in June, spending a bit of time in LA and Utah, and the trip story I started a month ago is about 2 months behind now. I am going to continue it soon. I'm still working on writing up my latest trip to Mexico back in March. Eventually I will finish them all. I just got back from another scuba trip as well, this time to Belize, so that will get added in once I get caught up.

Sometimes the last few years of my life feel like a hallucination, like it wasn't real, or I just dreamed it all. I've been working on my bike a bunch lately, installing a new clutch basket, fixing wheels, exhaust and repairing some stuff that got burnt when my luggage on the bike caught fire/melted back in March. There have been a lot of times that I have just sat on a stool at the end of the night and stared at my bike. It reminds me all these memories in my head are true, and they really happened.

People in the bars around town lately have been telling me I should write a book. Maybe I will but it would take me years at my normal rate.
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