The cost of Land Rover Defenders


I'm an English transplant to California and the cost of Land Rovers here in the States, especially the coveted Defender, never ceases to amaze me. I've seen high mileage older models in less than average condition selling for ridiculous sums of money, $40k, $50k even $65k+. I know they have to be imported and taxes etc, lefthand drive models etc. My sister who still lives in the rural North of England jokes that only farmers or the British Army drive them over there (I know that's not true). Anyway not sure if any one has seen this website before but when I was actively looking at buying a Defender I came across this Spanish site that has many very tasty looking Defenders for sale, mostly EU left hand drive at really good (Euro) prices. Makes for some drooling over nice examples of the legend if nothing else. makes me want to jump on a plane to Spain and drive one back (oh, but then I have to pay taxes etc....). I hope the link works (FYI, it's all in Spanish but easy to navigate) Click here Auto Scout 24

Here's a nice 110, for around $19,000, you just got to get it back to the States but this company will handle the import for you.



Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
I did not know that, but my point is that is this vehicle really worth $125k?

Yes, because that's the way free markets work. In an unforced transaction, the purchaser and seller mutually determine value - that point being the intersection of what the seller is willing to sell it for and what the buyer is willing to pay for it.

There are lots of things in the world that I place a much lower value on than the seller (fancy watches, jewelry, designer clothes, etc) but since nobody is forcing me to buy them, ****** do I care.

On the other hand, I have a CNC mill in my basement workshop that I paid $5000 for, because that was what I wanted and was willing to pay. Again, if other people wonder why I spent that much on something like that, ****** do I care.


Yes, because that's the way free markets work. In an unforced transaction, the purchaser and seller mutually determine value - that point being the intersection of what the seller is willing to sell it for and what the buyer is willing to pay for it.

There are lots of things in the world that I place a much lower value on than the seller (fancy watches, jewelry, designer clothes, etc) but since nobody is forcing me to buy them, ****** do I care.

On the other hand, I have a CNC mill in my basement workshop that I paid $5000 for, because that was what I wanted and was willing to pay. Again, if other people wonder why I spent that much on something like that, ****** do I care.

OK, I guess I should have changed my question to a statement.

That vehicle is not worth $125k, to me.

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Theres a reason why Nato and Terrorists switched from Landrover to Landcruiser maaaaaaaaany years ago and cost wasnt an object........ :coffeedrink:


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
We have a customer with a NAS Defender 90 SW that he bought from Copley. So a nice truck already. We are looking at doing close to $50k in Kahn upgrades to the interior/exterior for him - the guy has been very successful, knows what he wants, and is willing to pay for it. Would I pay $50k to do that? Probably not... but it's a (much) bigger chunk of my annual income! We all have different price points, and disposable income to put towards our hobbies / toys. No need to hate. :)


We all have different price points, and disposable income to put towards our hobbies / toys. No need to hate. :)

Are you calling me a hater? Who says I'm hating? I'm simply raising a question for discussion that in my opinion Defenders are generally overpriced here in the States compared to Europe. I thought that's what this forum was for, discussion.

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Always an interesting topic when it is raised.

We have had in our Rover history Disco D1s both RHD and LHD, a NAS D90 SW, RRCs LWB, a D110 5 door SW LHD with 300TDi made in the Brasil plant, and a NADA 109 IIa restored on 110 drivetrain with a V8.

All have been great to own and drive.

After living with the 110 for a little more than 3 years while living in Brasil, would I spend the money they are fetching in the US? Of course if money were no object, yet, as it is, from driving pleasure and cost perspective I'll take my current RRC LWB and recently purchased '96 D1.

110s and 90s are great although the 90 really is small for more than 2 people at least for those of us that also have 2 large dogs which travel with us.

As mentioned, it really is supply and demand for the NAS 110s and 90s commanding what they fetch in the US. That plus there are many folks that have very nice and large disposible incomes for vehicles.

Its great they keep them around and in some cases, in better than new condition.


I wonder if the market for the NAS 90's and 110's will tank in a few years when you can get something real similar from overseas?


I would love a 110 and be able to build it up to my desired spec. But the ridiculous import laws make that an impossible dream. When I moved to the States over 15 years ago I desperately wanted to bring my TVR Chimera with me, even though the car is a beautiful hand built race breed that far exceeds all EU crash tests the US will not allow on the roads here as a daily driver. I guess the same red tape applies to the defender? Completely safe for the rest of the world but not the US, oh, unless it's over 25 years old! Does anyone know exactly why the Land Rover has failed the crash test or what the reason is that stops new vehicle import?

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LR Max

Local Oaf
Its gotta be 25 years old or older with COMPLETE matching numbers. No more old farm trucks with swapped TDIs in them.

110 5 doors are the only configurations that people are making money on. 90s seem to break even and everyone loses money on series trucks.

Really, you gotta get them from mainland europe. LHD and usually in better condition. There is a company in Holland that refurbs them before shipping them to the US. That seems to be the best bet since parts are probably cheaper.They get matching number 110s, LHDs, mix of V8s and NA/TD 2.5s. Or bring em over and then rebuild them with TDIs and whatnot.

The market has slowed, IMO. Trucks aren't moving as fast as before. Probably not the best investment. If you want quick and easy trucks to flip, lift a JK 4 door, throw some low profile big tires with ridic rims on it, and a couple light bars.


The market has slowed, IMO. Trucks aren't moving as fast as before. Probably not the best investment. If you want quick and easy trucks to flip, lift a JK 4 door, throw some low profile big tires with ridic rims on it, and a couple light bars.

This is the Atlanta scene for sure. Shiny clean lifted jeeps that will never see a dirt road much less a trail....even though more than a few of them have winch bumpers and winches to go with the 20 inch rims and low profile tires to complete the look....LOL

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