The EXPED MegaMat 10 Question


Expo this, expo that, exp
I'm probably going to pickup a pair of these wonderfully comfortable luxurious mattresses for tent camping. I know they're designed to be put on the ground. I took my family to REI to try them and we all liked them.

However, I was wondering if anyone had tried one on a cot and how that may have worked out? Anyone tried one on a cot?

Thanks in advance.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Personally, I would tend to think this is one of those pads that would work better on the ground. Given the structure of the pad and how it's welded, it may not do well being forced into the concave shape of a cot. Just my opinion.


Used my exped 7 down mat in a cot for several months last year without a problem, my cot bed was a fold up one, so I made sure there were no sharp edges/bolts etc to catch on. More comfortable than the bed at home.


lost on the mainland
We tried them on a cot but its a touch to wide for the cots we had and it would slide to one side somewhat and you would be sleeping on a angle :)

This was on a camptime roll a cot wide

They are great n the ground
Ended up not keeping ours and went another route :)


Expo this, expo that, exp
Thanks for the replies. My question was purely speculative and just a curiosity. Our plan is to use the Megamats on the ground as intended by the manufacturer. I'm just waiting for the 20% REI sale so I can scoop them up.

For seven years I've only ever used a Thermarest backpacking mattress pad. It has served me very well and I have certainly got my monies worth from it. While car camping in our future I'm looking forward to a more luxurious sleeping experience. :)


With all the camping we've done this year with the scouts, my wife and I were talking about investing in better sleeping pads. I'm going to have to check this one out!

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