The ExPo Mountain Bike Photo Thread


Playing around on the single track network in Green River, WY. Some really cool trails with fun features. I highly recommend giving it a shot on your next trip along I-80.


Two-Wheeled Explorer

Proceeding on...
Any neighborhood with a Meriwether bike in it is one pretty cool neighborhood! Hope to have Whit build me a loaded touring bike for early 2017 and the Lewis and Clark Bicycle Trail from St. Louis to Yankton, SD the first summer and on to the western sea the next, if nothing prevents. Saving up for the deposit right now.


New member
Whit's the man! Great dude and awesome builder.

There're quite a few around our town since Whit lived here for ~20 years before moving back to CA.

Ryan Rogers

Brought home some new rides yesterday:


I realized on the drive home that my new bicycle cost more than 3x what my first car did. I think it would make 16 year old me a little sick, but proud that I'm still riding bikes all these years later.

Either way, I'm stuck at work this morning, but hopefully I'll get it out on the trail this afternoon!


Looks warm.



It's funny I did the Fullerton loop on the Krampus after riding the spearfish and felt way slower but was only 3 minutes off the easy bike in 11 miles so I'm happy. I love the Krampus and hope to see a suspended version soon

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I'd love to get some feedback on the Lauf. I know the "purists" in the fat bike world don't like it, even though most haven't ridden it, but the simplicity of it intrigues me. If you have a chance, let us know what you think.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
I'd love to get some feedback on the Lauf. I know the "purists" in the fat bike world don't like it, even though most haven't ridden it, but the simplicity of it intrigues me. If you have a chance, let us know what you think.
I'm in the process of compiling a full review of the Lauf for the ExPo home page. Should be up in the coming weeks.

With regard to naysayers and critics, I find that the longer I ride, the less opinionated and narrow minded I become. I've ridden every type of bike, at a high level, from velodrome pursuit bikes, to time trial machines, road racing bikes, cyclocross, touring, and mountain bikes of all shapes and sizes. I have found that newer riders feel it's a feather in their cap to hold a strong opinion, what ever it is. I'm arriving at the point where I can appreciate almost any well designed and fabricated product. Not everything is for everyone, but like this fork, I think it does what it was supposed to do...very well.

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