The M~D~U Report: A Thousand Miles of Dirt in Utah


Well thanks for following along through out the years!

Mike and I both really REALLY enjoyed this trip. We think it was the best we have done too. Lots of remote stuff and also, just miles of dirt that are easily connected.

We shoot Canon gear, though nothing super speacial.

Mike's gear:

Canon 50D
10-22mm Canon lens
24-135mm canon lens
Edits in Adobe Photoshop Elements 7


Canon 60D
18-135mm Canon STM lens
10-18mm Canon STM lens
I use LR5 and PS CS6 to my editing.

Thanks for reading and commenting!

Monte, thanks for the camera info. I have to admit, I'm a little intimidated about buying a SLR camera. I've never used one, nor been around anyone(friends or family) that has one. Is the learning curve steep? If so, would you advise taking a class? Sorry if this takes away from the amazing content of the trip report.

Also, what is STM lens?


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Dr. Frankenstein
Monte, thanks for the camera info. I have to admit, I'm a little intimidated about buying a SLR camera. I've never used one, nor been around anyone(friends or family) that has one. Is the learning curve steep? If so, would you advise taking a class? Sorry if this takes away from the amazing content of the trip report.

Also, what is STM lens?



No way man! get one!!

They aren't too hard to learn, not these days anyways. Shooting in RAW will be forgiving too in a lot of ways. I think Editing can be a bit intimidating because learning a new computer program can always suck. But there are so many youtube videos out there on all the programs that should be fairly straight forward.

I never took a class. I just bought one and through the website Tacomaworld and friends, learned what i know now. Its not overly difficult and like most things, the more you do it, the better you get at it.

Is it worth taking a class?? eh..idk. I tried taking a class in college..but i was already so far ahead of what they were teaching i dropped it. I needed to be in like Photo 2 or 3 but couldn't due to prerequisite requirements. If you like classes..go for it. But Im sure you can do some reading online and just get out and start shooting to come to grips with it.

STM stands for Stepped Motor. it has to do with the autofocus. The newer lenses are USM or Ultrasonic Motor. Quieter and faster. i just wanted to differentiate between the two for you as there are 3 versions of those lenses out now.


Rollin' along
Thanks man!

Well, Ben and Mike both go through Discount Tire i think. And both have replaced their tires before. In fact, Mike brought the KO2 he picked up in Moab to Discount, told them what happened, and they traded him a KM2 straight across no questions. Mostly because the KO2 hadn't ever been mounted still.

But me, i don't have that luxury being from a very small town in Wyoming. Im just screwed either way for that. Only gotten one flat myself years ago. MTRKs are holding up great. And the Coopers.

The other times we have blown tires were in Canada and that of course is a full pay out of pocket situation.
Thanks. I use Discount Tire now but had an unfortunate experience with a big box store previously. They said I had to bring the dead tire back to them to access.


Dr. Frankenstein
Thanks. I use Discount Tire now but had an unfortunate experience with a big box store previously. They said I had to bring the dead tire back to them to access.

That is sadly usually how most do it. Discount is usually no different. Mike just got lucky with the last deal. A KO2 cost more then a KM2 anyways so that may have been part of it. We had literally no room to haul back the dead tire for the exchange.

But most do require you bring the dead tire back..not always possible. I know Timmy wanted too on our trip to Canada, but he ended up just keeping the two good ones and giving one of those to Mike. didn't have room for 3 spare tires haha


I really enjoyed your photos and descriptive narrative. You really did have a great time. Thanks for taking the time and energy to do a TR. We plan to go there next fall to spend about 4 weeks in Southeast Utah before it really gets crowded due to the monument designation. Of course, with our larger vehicle and pop up camper we won't be traveling the same routes. We do have a winch and skid plates with the F-250 off road package but don't want to get stuck. It seems that you can go in and out on some of these trails, right? Hubby is used to USFS and DNR roads back home due to cutting shake blocks back in the day but desert driving differs a bit from forest. Where would you have turned around on Kokopelli? That is the one we want to take. Moab area looks too crowded. We agree, the fewer folks the better. Just a better experience to immerse yourself in the quiet and clear skies. There is a term the Japanese use called "shinrin yoku" or forest bathing. I wonder if there is an equivalent for the Colorado Plateau.


Dr. Frankenstein
I really enjoyed your photos and descriptive narrative. You really did have a great time. Thanks for taking the time and energy to do a TR. We plan to go there next fall to spend about 4 weeks in Southeast Utah before it really gets crowded due to the monument designation. Of course, with our larger vehicle and pop up camper we won't be traveling the same routes. We do have a winch and skid plates with the F-250 off road package but don't want to get stuck. It seems that you can go in and out on some of these trails, right? Hubby is used to USFS and DNR roads back home due to cutting shake blocks back in the day but desert driving differs a bit from forest. Where would you have turned around on Kokopelli? That is the one we want to take. Moab area looks too crowded. We agree, the fewer folks the better. Just a better experience to immerse yourself in the quiet and clear skies. There is a term the Japanese use called "shinrin yoku" or forest bathing. I wonder if there is an equivalent for the Colorado Plateau.

Thank you for reading!

The kokopelli is 140 miles not really an in and out section. This has a great description of the trail. Also his page is just inspiring with all the info and gps data. The only spots that you may want to avoid are the Cisco Wash and you will definitely want to avoid Rose Garden Hill. Overwise, i think you'll be fine! Should be able to go around both of those without impeding on the trip.

The Maze has a lot of cool stuff too, not sure id take your large truck to the Doll House as it'll be quite the struggle, but it is possible..depending on your tires and side panel clearance.

Elephant hill im not sure you'll want to run either, the Squeeze there is narrow as it is.

Lockhart you could be fine with though depending on driver skill to get up the canyon, could go down it too and you'd be fine.

Looks like an awesome time as usual!

Thanks man! It was a great time!

Hope you are doing well Monte. The trip looked like a ton of fun! Thanks for sharing.

Hey man!! Long time no see. Looks like you finally got around to putting all those parts on the truck :D hope you're doing great Chris!

Sorry been slacking on this..need to finish it! Will try to this week as i have most nights off again.


The other white meat
I did. Supercharger here and I'm going to attempt to install tomorrow or thurs....or both or for the next month :), sure could use your super power mechanic skills. But, I have a hammer and some duct tape and should be good to go.
I guess I got too old, as we are picking up an so-cal 510xs offroad teardrop within the next week and am going to pack away the RTT for a while.
Ran across some pics of the new wheels on Frankenstein. Wow, they look incredible. Talk to you soon.


What an incredible trip, and it sounds like there's still more to come! Pictures are fantastic as usual so thank you for posting them up. This is exactly the type of trip that stokes the motivation fire to keep me building up my truck, kinda "technical overlanding" if you will. Lots of miles of beautiful scenery in the dirt with a healthy mix of challenging wheeling thrown in (some intentionally, others not so much...), perfect. Can't wait for your next update!

I see a few others have asked as well but I wanted to get your opinion on my setup for a trip like this. Currently my fullsize 2011 GMC Sierra 1500 sits leveled on 33s with skids and sliders with a hidden winch in front. Rosegarden Hill aside, any reason I couldn't make most of the trails you've done so far? If not would a set of Kings for more lift and 35s potentially remedy the situation?


Dr. Frankenstein
What an incredible trip, and it sounds like there's still more to come! Pictures are fantastic as usual so thank you for posting them up. This is exactly the type of trip that stokes the motivation fire to keep me building up my truck, kinda "technical overlanding" if you will. Lots of miles of beautiful scenery in the dirt with a healthy mix of challenging wheeling thrown in (some intentionally, others not so much...), perfect. Can't wait for your next update!

I see a few others have asked as well but I wanted to get your opinion on my setup for a trip like this. Currently my fullsize 2011 GMC Sierra 1500 sits leveled on 33s with skids and sliders with a hidden winch in front. Rosegarden Hill aside, any reason I couldn't make most of the trails you've done so far? If not would a set of Kings for more lift and 35s potentially remedy the situation?

Thanks for reading man!

Yes, LOTS more to come actually. I think 3 more chapters..lots of dirt left to cover!

We like a good mix and try and find things that get us way the hell out there but also fun/challenge to drive.

You might drag your rear bumper and such over things, but i bet you'll be fine otherwise. I mean..Kings are sweet so id get those anyways :D and'd walk over everything we have done so far. Still not sure id recommend Rose Garden..but you could make it up TOTW no problem i think and Lockhart. Elephant hill id still be VERY warry of due to the squeeze. A full size truck just..doesn't belong there. That said! You can come up from the south entrance, where we came out basically, and still get to the confluence overlook. Just go back out the way you came to avoid the squeeze. Unless the paint on the side of the truck isn't important then go for it! :cool:


Awesome man, can't wait to read the next chapters!

I think you're probably right about the bumper draggin', she doesn't have very good angles at the moment (approach, departure, or breakover haha). Oh I definitely think I'll leave Rosegarden Hill to the tricked out jeeps and a few crazy Tacoma guys I've read about haha. I did just read about @mikekey taking his '15 Power Wagon on Elephant Hill and through the squeeze/devils pocket so I know it's possible, but looks damn tight.

The paint is already heavily pinstriped so I'm not worried about keepin' her pretty. Not looking for body or paint damage but I think picking up some more "character" in pursuit of adventure is worth it, especially now that the truck is paid off and all mine. Trail damage stories always bring up good times


Dr. Frankenstein
Awesome man, can't wait to read the next chapters!

I think you're probably right about the bumper draggin', she doesn't have very good angles at the moment (approach, departure, or breakover haha). Oh I definitely think I'll leave Rosegarden Hill to the tricked out jeeps and a few crazy Tacoma guys I've read about haha. I did just read about @mikekey taking his '15 Power Wagon on Elephant Hill and through the squeeze/devils pocket so I know it's possible, but looks damn tight.

The paint is already heavily pinstriped so I'm not worried about keepin' her pretty. Not looking for body or paint damage but I think picking up some more "character" in pursuit of adventure is worth it, especially now that the truck is paid off and all mine. Trail damage stories always bring up good times

Battle scars are always fun! Just have to pick the perfect line through the squeeze and you'll be good to go then! I know it would have been very interesting with my other tacoma that has Long travel...would have been driving on the walls..haha


We have gotten full sized pickups out to the Confluence and through Lockhart Basin. Wear your skinny tires for the squeeze and fold in the mirrors. Actually the Kid had an easy time on Lockhart in his F350, crew cab, long bed, 4X4 diesel. His wheelbase was so long that he avoided most of the holes shorter vehicles left in places. His turning radius sucked a few times.


We have gotten full sized pickups out to the Confluence and through Lockhart Basin. Wear your skinny tires for the squeeze and fold in the mirrors. Actually the Kid had an easy time on Lockhart in his F350, crew cab, long bed, 4X4 diesel. His wheelbase was so long that he avoided most of the holes shorter vehicles left in places. His turning radius sucked a few times.

Wow that's impressive. Definitely have to fold those mirrors! I gave quite a few Joshua Trees a thumping with the mirrors on Mojave Road last month, wouldn't want to do the same with rock walls though. Width is one of the things that puts me off long travel setups for my truck (besides the $$$), she's plenty fat enough already!

I'd bet Frankenstein is about as wide as a fullsize with that long travel setup.

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