The Perfect Vehicle-Mounted Medical/First Aid Bag


I'm still on the search for it... I believe it should meet the following requirements:

Decent Size
Vehicle mounting option
Easily/Quickly removeable so that you aren't running back and forth to the vehicle
Color Must Be RED
Durable fabric-type material
Some type of organization inside

So, the closest thing that I've been able to find is Springtail's "Large 1st Aid Pouch" ( ). It meets all of my requirements except 1... It's Orange. That little "tic" inside my head thinks it should be Red. I have always associated Red with "emergency/medical" and Orange with "vehicle-recovery gear". I've asked them numerous times to get me one in red and they always say no. lol.

Anyone care to share any cool first-aid pouches/bags you've come accross?
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Crew Chief
This is what I carry. Its fitted out as a quick response bag. Enough to make splints and plug holes mostly. I also keep a smaller, cheaper kit for minor cuts and the like. That way, I don't have to be pulling my emergency kit for everyday things. I picked up both from a military surplus shop near where I live. They always have great stuff, especially medical kits. They even have one that includes a stretcher.

Oh, its the greed bag on the left. Its fitted to the molle straps on the back of my passenger seat, but its not snapped on, so it can be pulled off in short order when needed.


My advice, if you absolutely need a red bag, is get a red bag and stock it to your needs. There are plenty of people who do just that. You'll notice that every other bag on that rack is either black or tan. This is so if I need to tell someone to grab it, I can just say green bag. I don't leave it labeled red or with a cross on it or anything because people in my area have been known to have sticky fingers.
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Expedition Leader
That thing looks wayyyyy overboard and unnecessary....I need it. Where can I find the seat cover/organizer?


Crew Chief
That thing looks wayyyyy overboard and unnecessary....I need it. Where can I find the seat cover/organizer?

Its a custom made tactical seat cover from They do good work, if you're willing to wait a month for it to be made. They don't keep a warehouse full of covers and make each one to order, so they fit surprisingly well for the price and quality. I've packed more than 50 lbs of gear on mine without a problem. Just look up their website for the full details, but they make each as one as you order it, so you'll need to provide details on the seats you're using.


Expedition Leader
I only quick-clicked on the above 3 links and noticed none were red. I believe "international orange" has been proven most visible under a variety of condition. I think red turns to black in the fog.

if you're true OG, why not a white bag with a self inflicted red cross? maybe something reflective?

of course these are not recommended as studly expo-adventure approved:
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lysol, if you really want red, I'd say get the one you like from springtailsolutions, then just dye it red. Pick up a box of Rit Dye at your grocery store.


I like this one as it is very similar to an army m9 bag, its a little on the big side but you should be able to get it slimmed down depending on what you put in it. The advantage here is that during an emergency you can open it up and you have access to all of your things at once rather than trying to dig for it, trust me when you're in a panic you don't want to be digging for stuff. similar to how the Marine 3000 is setup, i'd sub-divide all of your types of injuries in separate pouches with big easy to read labels...

found one on good ol' ebay



New member
Hejhej, I am very happy with my Medic bag from DeltaBags. Very good quality, expensive though.
They also make the best Duffel Bags I have seen. --> ANNAPURNA-Series

Or look them up on youtube, the vids explain their system pretty well.
Greetings from Germany

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