The S T I N K !!!!!!!

Brian McVickers

Staff member
Something has died in my Engel 45 refrigerator!!
I'm serious, this is the absolute worst smell you can imagine.

I took my daughter to a trout pond and she caught a fish! So we put it in a ziplock, threw it in the fridge and went home. :chowtime: Took the fish out and turned off the fridge. Hmmm?

About a week later I opened the fridge,:smilies27 lost consciousness and then woke up to find an inch of standing water in the bottom of the fridge from a water bottle that had leaked. But there must be something else in there because water alone doesn't smell like this!

I took the entire fridge and filled it with hot water and Mr. Clean. Scrubbed it, rinsed it and then hit it with Simple Green.:ar15:

Another week later I opened the fridge again and what the...?! (insert dry-heaving emoticon) WHY WON'T YOU DIE YOU NASTY SMELL!! JUST PLEASE DIE AND LEAVE ME ALONE!

I think it may have gotten worse!

Any ideas on cleaning a fridge?
I’m thinking of completely dismantling the fridge, down to the insulation, clean it and then put it back together. :snorkel:


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
That sucks man.. i can't figure out why it would stay stinky like that. I always clean our out after a trip and leave the lid off for about a week. Have you tried half water and half bleach in a spray bottle?


Supporting Sponsor - Sierra Expeditions
This happened to me, when I turned it off with Ice Cream in the fridge.... :oops:

Here is what I did: Clean with household crap... (allready done). Full blast for a few days (max freeze). Turn off, while cooling, hit the condensation with baking powder, and scrub. Once at room temp, rinse, and use remove the lid to allow it to air dry. The Green pad on the bottom is probably shot. Toss it. It took me FOREVER to get the smell out of that thing.

Andrew Walcker

Mod Emeritus
Should the fridge be stored with the lid up allowing air to circulate? I've always stored mine that way with no problems yet (knocking on my wooden desk).


Andrew Walcker said:
Should the fridge be stored with the lid up allowing air to circulate? I've always stored mine that way with no problems yet (knocking on my wooden desk).

Same here. Always leave the lid cracked. Mine got closed a few weeks ago for about a week and it had a bad odor. Cleaned it and kept it open and now its fine.
Take the whole fridge out of the rig, dissasemble everything and wash like crazy in bleach. Leave that lid off and keep the whole thing open for as long as you can.

We had something like that happen, and the heavy bleach water really seemed to cure it.

And oh, if that thing is still stinky for the Trophy, remind me not to camp next to you :)

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
X2...I would go for heavy bleach and leave it open to dry. I always keep my lid spaced open like I do my Ice coolers. I never store them with the lids closed.

I also agree that I don't want to camp near you until you get this resolved. :sport_box


Expedition Leader
Andrew Walcker said:
Should the fridge be stored with the lid up allowing air to circulate? I've always stored mine that way with no problems yet (knocking on my wooden desk).

Yes...when its not in fridge/freeze mode ALWAYS leave the lid open. I just wad up a clean rag and put it between the lid and the great...doesn't rattle.

Same applies to insulated coolers, home refrigerators/freezers, etc.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Mario put his 10 year old ARB in the rental trailer. The renter stored, amongst other thinks, breast milk in there. The milk leaked. The fridge stank. Mario cleaned it. The fridge stank.

Over the years small cracks had appeared in the inner shell and the milk had gone down into the inner workings.

The fridge stank, Mario had to throw it away. Happiness descended over AT once more.

My advise, store breast milk in the original containers only

Brian McVickers

Staff member
I love it! you guys crack me up!!:wings:

Ok, that's it, I'm taking it apart and cleaning each and every piece of it!



Expedition Leader
Martyn said:
My advise, store breast milk in the original containers only
Duly noted . . .

I'm quite surprised at the number of people who are saying that the same thing has happened to their fridge.

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