Something has died in my Engel 45 refrigerator!!
I'm serious, this is the absolute worst smell you can imagine.
I took my daughter to a trout pond and she caught a fish! So we put it in a ziplock, threw it in the fridge and went home. :chowtime: Took the fish out and turned off the fridge. Hmmm?
About a week later I opened the fridge,:smilies27 lost consciousness and then woke up to find an inch of standing water in the bottom of the fridge from a water bottle that had leaked. But there must be something else in there because water alone doesn't smell like this!
I took the entire fridge and filled it with hot water and Mr. Clean. Scrubbed it, rinsed it and then hit it with Simple Green.:ar15:
Another week later I opened the fridge again and what the...?! (insert dry-heaving emoticon) WHY WON'T YOU DIE YOU NASTY SMELL!! JUST PLEASE DIE AND LEAVE ME ALONE!
I think it may have gotten worse!
Any ideas on cleaning a fridge?
I’m thinking of completely dismantling the fridge, down to the insulation, clean it and then put it back together. :snorkel:
I'm serious, this is the absolute worst smell you can imagine.
I took my daughter to a trout pond and she caught a fish! So we put it in a ziplock, threw it in the fridge and went home. :chowtime: Took the fish out and turned off the fridge. Hmmm?
About a week later I opened the fridge,:smilies27 lost consciousness and then woke up to find an inch of standing water in the bottom of the fridge from a water bottle that had leaked. But there must be something else in there because water alone doesn't smell like this!
I took the entire fridge and filled it with hot water and Mr. Clean. Scrubbed it, rinsed it and then hit it with Simple Green.:ar15:
Another week later I opened the fridge again and what the...?! (insert dry-heaving emoticon) WHY WON'T YOU DIE YOU NASTY SMELL!! JUST PLEASE DIE AND LEAVE ME ALONE!
I think it may have gotten worse!
Any ideas on cleaning a fridge?
I’m thinking of completely dismantling the fridge, down to the insulation, clean it and then put it back together. :snorkel: