The Ultimate Road Trip!


Expedition Leader
Thanks all for the great comments!

I am glad people are still enjoying this trip can be sure the memories from the trip will last me a lifetime!

The trip may appear in a magazine but until I know that for sure not going to say more about that.


Ian, excellent adventure my man! It's outside my ability right now in life, but I would jump the change to tackle most if not all the areas you traveled. I agree with your words regarding the safety of travel in Latin America. Sure there are shady areas down there, but there are probably as many or more in the states as well. The border crossings sound like a good challenge for anyone, and could build character in the long run. If the crossings were cookie cutter, and straight forward with no issues that would take away from the challenge. Experience and learn the game is your building blocks to making them less expensive. Take it in stride and move on, good job.

After reading yours and others trip reports about bribes and such, I wonder if wearing hearing aids (non working) and playing the "deaf" card would get a guy out of a pickle once or twice?

Now, one thing I was impressed with that may not have stood out to others, is your level of professionalism towards the female kayak client/guests. It would be too easy to aim the camera at them at odd moments and plaster these images within your trip report and get away with "hey it happened, so we documented it". You did a fantastic job of including them in your story without advertising their personal details and pics to the the world. This is what I would come to expect from a good guide service. Excellent job!

And as a Taco owner myself, I was obviously glued to your experiences with your truck and came away from it feeling a really solid level of trust in Toyota.
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Expedition Leader
Ian, excellent adventure my man! It's outside my ability right now in life, but I would jump the change to tackle most if not all the areas you traveled. I agree with your words regarding the safety of travel in Latin America. Sure there are shady areas down there, but there are probably as many or more in the states as well. The border crossings sound like a good challenge for anyone, and could build character in the long run. If the crossings were cookie cutter, and straight forward with no issues that would take away from the challenge. Experience and learn the game is your building blocks to making them less expensive. Take it in stride and move on, good job.

After reading yours and others trip reports about bribes and such, I wonder if wearing hearing aids (non working) and playing the "deaf" card would get a guy out of a pickle once or twice?

Now, one thing I was impressed with that may not have stood out to others, is your level of professionalism towards the female kayak client/guests. It would be too easy to aim the camera at them at odd moments and plaster these images within your trip report and get away with "hey it happened, so we documented it". You did a fantastic job of including them in your story without advertising their personal details and pics to the the world. This is what I would come to expect from a good guide service. Excellent job!

And as a Taco owner myself, I was obviously glued to your experiences with your truck and came away from it feeling a really solid level of trust in Toyota.

Thanks man,

I am glad you noticed that I left out many things about our female clients. It was intentional. Some of the pictures I posted are theirs with their permission of course. But just as you state I purposely left out pictures focusing on them and or their details. ;)

I completed another drive south recently, check the link above provided by Scott (aka LaOutbackTrail). That trip report is not done and I have many pictures, video and info still to upload but now that I am here in Panama.....well, things happen and go slow!:)


Expedition Leader
I would just like to say......

I am jonzing for a trip like this again! Baja for a few weeks (or more if I am lucky) this winter probably the best I can muster up though now. I went and filled up my life with restoring old rare obscure 4wds. :smilies27



Expedition Leader
Yup, sorry, pics are on my computer now and not much on the internet. Few handfuls still on FB is all. And one video still up on youtube.

It is that time of year again for me. Work is finished up for me for the year and I got 5 months off. Well unfortunately for me no 5 months off this year, or last or the one before that! That makes me frown and wish I really was planning an epic trip right now. Alas, I am not.....

One thing about this trip I want to mention. The first time you do something is always the best. I don't think I will ever experience Mexico or Central America again in my life the way I did on this trip. Everything was "new" to me, all of it. I really didn't plan much at all before leaving. In the end, that is what set me up for a trip that will last me a lifetime. Not only in my memories and experiences but the trip changed me, to the core. I do not look at life, other people, travel, my vehicle or any of it the same as I did before I drove into Mexico back in December 2009 with no real plans other than to head south. So if you read this and are looking for adventure, this is the best way I know how to do it. Simply pack up your stuff, don't plan much and hit the road with zero expectations. In my opinion it is the best way to discover, learn, open your mind and live the adventure to the fullest.



Expedition Leader

Coming up fast on ten years since I did this trip. It was glorious, memories to last a lifetime! :)

I am a little confused....

Why did you spend so much time going to Toyota dealerships to get airbags and a throttle body? With as much preparation as you put in, wouldn't it have been prudent to have the knowledge, basic skills, tools, and gear necessary to avoid making so many side track visits to dealerships? I understand that you never know what can happen, but trust me, being prepared can make a road trip a lot more fun! Have you changed the way you prepare for trips in the ones you've done since?

Thanks for the write up. I enjoyed reading your adventure!

By the way, your title, "The Ultimate Road Trip!" immediately made me think of another trip report here on the portal. It was a couple that drove through the DRC over ten years ago. Check it out, it'll blow you away!

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