Agree the flexibility would be useful, but given the range of trucks a camper top would need to fit, probably not cost effective to design/build for retrofitting on every truck.
Would be a nightmare for the manufacture. Similar to the problem of various truck shape and sizes with a hatch/center door like on the A.R.E's
Will have to build my own, multi-swing tailgate.
I posed this trade off earlier:
Big Boxy shape: function > form, leads to more interior room and more applications for a given design. (the Flip-Pac style)
Sleek , aerodynamic shape: form > function, leads to smaller camper interior due to sloping walls narrowing it at the top, and the specific profile may need to be matched to a given truck to avoid interference as well as aesthetic issues. (which I also lean to, mostly because that fits with existing designs here at UMV)
The Wildernest used a more sleek top from one of the big cap manufacturers that had been sliced and modified, but I don't think that leads to a good strong fiberglass part as the stresses are pretty significant when something is cantilevered out from a wall, and most trucks are non-directional chopper gun or chopped matt construction.
Yeah, trying to appease everyone is an impossible task, compromises must be made.
The slopping sides wouldn't be too much different than when a SUV is converted to a pop-top. I didn't have an issue with interior space when I had my Wildernest, actually found it quite roomy. I am used to camping off a motorcycle with a 1 person anything bigger than that seems like a mansion. :ylsmoke:
You can do a lot with limited space.
For the stress issue of the canti-lever, where Wildernest used wood. I would use an interior aluminum frame "cage" if you will, molded into the 'glass, that takes the stress off the fiberglass. Of course this adds to the cost. I have been casually looking for a used SnugTop Hi-Liner so I can cut it up and build a prototype. My girlfriend knows how to make dress patterns so a tent wouldn't be that much of a stretch, have a couple friends who own machine shops...just a matter of transferring ideas off the napkin.
My main issue with the 'Nest was the angle of the rear window, I broke my glass 3 times. All were from driving down a dirt road. I have a trailer, so I think rocks bouncing off the trailer would shatter the glass.
I can't post up any progress or updates from Ursa Minor, I had a son show up early in March and am only now getting somewhat caught up on things…like sleep, much less new designs!
No worries! Your family comes first. I am in no real hurry, I can't even decide what truck to get next...a tacoma, tundra...maybe a chevy silverado?
I do like the Quick-Up camper design, but limited to a 8' bed (which hardly anyone uses anymore), have to convert the seating area to bed, instead of like the Flip pac where it is already made and out of the the FB bed acts as extra storage during the day. With the QuickUp, might be limited on how much gear you can haul by the way the walls are stored. I love how it looks closed, quite nice and spacious when deployed. If that design was available I would be hard pressed not to get a single cab Tundra with an 8' bed, don't know if you can sleep in it in the close position though, for stealth camping.
Somewhat related I found this old Wildernest, could mimic SUV popup...interior space would be limited though.