So question for those who have more experience with fabrication than me (which is pretty much everyone, I think) : since someone already cut the back off, I am probably going to figure out a tailgate, but for now I am concerned about the integrity of the sides. What’s the best way to reinforce them to keep them from being so flexy? If you happen to have pictures of what you’ve done that would be super helpful.
Once I get to reinforcement and fixing the metal I want to do it as right as I can so it doesn’t look like someone butchered the poor thing and Frankensteined it together. Thanks for any advice anyone has! In the meantime, I’m going to find some similar metal to practice welding on so I don’t blow any holes in this thing or anything. Lol.
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On my M416, here's what the previous owner did to keep the rear sides from being flexible. He welded a pretty thick slab of metal from the tub to the rear loop that's attached to the frame. (see the red circles).