To have a safe, or not?


I have a "hidden compartment" or safe in my vw van. Its really just a battery box under the drivers seat that i made a metal cover for with a padlock. So although its locked and out of sight, all you have to do is move the garbage can and you can see the locks/compartment. so, out of the way but hardly hidden. Since I built that, we have driven down mainland mexico, the length of baja, crisscrossed north america a few times, and crossed the US/canadian border 50+ times (no joke, i live 5 mins away). Its only been "discovered" twice, even in thorough searches of the van. (talk about profiling, try having a beard and longish hair and drive a volkswagen van with surfboards and or skis across the border! ) Once was by the army in mexico, and they just asked what it was, i opened it to grab my passport anyway, and they laughed and called me a vampiro when i cut my hand on the metal by accident and then sucked on my hand so the blood didnt drip anywhere haha. The other time was by canadian border patrol, and the guy was super stoked when he found it. Im sure he thought he had a big drug bust on his hands. I just chilled and explained that it was for storing passports and wallets/phones when we were surfing in mexico. Gave him the key to open it, the guy took a quick look and had no problem.

So I'd say go for it! the fact that border searches didnt usually turn it up means that most thieves would never find it either. And if they did, they still have to bust in. Though it wasnt super burley anyway.

I also believe in keeping a lot of things tucked away in places no one would think to look (there are lots in a vw van) rather than an obvious, burly looking "safe" that screams, hey look, Ive got valuables!


There are now parts of the U.S. where any aftermarket hidden compartment itself is effectively illegal regardless of intent. How do they know it's intended for contraband? Because they said it is. They might even bring a dog over to bark a few times to "confirm" it. One scam I have caught wind of is seizing vehicles for having compartments, selling them at auction, then re-seizing them from the new owner for... having compartments the new owner didn't even know was there.

If you're going to use hidden compartments, do your homework in regards to state laws - but understand the nature of who you may be dealing with when it comes to enforcement.

An additional problem in the U.S. is how to travel with cash for emergencies. The more you carry, the higher the risk it will be seized if you're stopped. Some states are also now fielding devices to empty gift cards and prepaid cards on the spot. Agencies are that crooked and that desperate for cash - law enforcement seizures now exceed the dollar amount for burglaries/theft.

I won't travel with more than $300 per vehicle anymore within the U.S.; if I need more, then most likely I have access to a phone and can handle it with the bank directly.

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