Kabobs on the gas grille.
I used my GoPro HD camera for these shots, and it does not have have a view finder, so it is kind of hard to tell what you are shooting

It is wide angle, so it picks up a lot of stuff.
These are so easy to make, and I have taken them camping too before in the past.
I forgot to get onions, but the kabobs have:
* canned whole potatoes cut into thirds
* vine ripe tomatoes, I prefer the small cherry ones, but I had to use the bigger ones up
* Tofurkey dogs cut up
* brown mushrooms
* pineapple chunks
* red bell peppers
Side dish:
* Bush Griller beans
* Uncle Bens Rice Pilaf, microwave version
* Henry Weinhards Rootbeer, the only pop I will ever drink
Yes, my round table on the deck needs cleaning

That crap is from the two big fir trees, the same one that looms over my FJ and dumps spooge on it and the tent too.
You can see their massive trunks, they are quite old and big.
Maybe I should put a coat of wax on the table, that might make cleaning the table easier.
I usually have one of the maintenance guy's pressure wash it when they have their pressure washer out doing other stuff.