Toyota guy asking the Land Rover guys for a favour...


Hi, former Defender 90 owner here who's now driving Toyota stuff.

But have a Land Rover question for those who are whizzes with VINs and countries and so on. I've exported plenty of vehicles from the US, but haven't imported many.

A colleague (investment banker) living in Brasil is now moving to New York. Like many in Rio, she drives a (lightly) armored Land Rover, in her case an LR2 with Level III protection. It is the petrol model.

I'm trying to figure out whether she can take her car with her to New York, or if she would be better off selling it in Brasil and buying a Range Rover or some other LR product in NYC.

Vehicle shipping from Rio to Baltimore is reasonable, but I'm more worried about DOT/EPA/Customs/etc.

Bottom line: Is it possible and worth the hassle, or is it a no-go even if the exact same vehicle is sold in the U.S. market?

I can send the VIN if that's helpful, but don't want to post it.




If its not 25 years or older don't bother with trying to import it. Sell it down there and purchase up here, much easier.


Expedition Leader
Depending on the specs it she might be able to bring it without a lot of hassle. It would have to meet NAS specs which may or may not be close to what is required in Brazil. I'm sure it would need at least some work by a registered grey market importer, if nothing else just to confirm it meets US specs.
Is she moving here permanently or only for say a year. If a year or less I think she can bring it with her as long as it leaves within a year when she does.


It also depends on her citizenship. If she is Brazillian, she can bring it while she is here, but it mus leave with her. It may require a bond. Ive also heard of taking a trip to Canada once a year so that it leaves for a period of time.



Yeah I don't know the specifics but she could bond it in but it has to leave when the bond is up. Or it becomes a hassle.

I only know this based on a Rover that is of great interest to me that was bonded into the US then stayed past the bond and is now sort of here without papers.
Like a ghost rover.
So trying to buy it is a hassle and trying to get it to leave would be a hassle. But it can be done for periods of time but not legally forever.


Sounds good. I spoke to her yesterday and she's just going to sell it in Brasil and buy a RR to replce it in NYC.

Thanks for everyone's replies!


Have her call Kelvin Nodarse from Land Rover Manhattan when she gets here - I've wheeled with him and the other guys from there (no, not dealership-sponsored events) and he is a passionate owner (Range Rover Classic and others I believe) and knowledgeable salesman at their dealership.


She would not need armor in NYC, because thanks to bloomberg all the criminals got rid off there guns. She may need to add extra cupholders, as long as they are off the 12 ounce variety.
Sounds good. I spoke to her yesterday and she's just going to sell it in Brasil and buy a RR to replce it in NYC.

Thanks for everyone's replies!

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