Tread Lightly Updates

Scott Brady


I wanted a thread for providing Tread Lightly updates to the forum.

Tread Lightly has just released a new awareness program

Tread Lightly Awareness Interactive Presentation (sound)


Expedition Poseur
Scott, couple things I noticed that can be passed on as you see fit.

First, page 24 (the scenarios page) does not work. I can get through the description, but when I try to click on the individual scenarios, I get nothing.

Second, page 27 will not load.

Finally, when I follow the "resources" link at the bottom....the list of links that opens in the pop up window are screwy. Several of the [text] links are on top of each other.

All of these are present when running firefox. I cannot view the site in IE for some reason. As soon as I either click the link, or paste the address into address bar (of IE), it closes the window. Not sure what that is all about.......

Anyway, it is nice to see them continue to reach out to the public....


Expedition Poseur
I tried again with IE, this time with Norton disabled....same problem, it closes the window before anything loads.


That's strange. I'm using IE but have the McAffee sofware. I used to have Norton but ran into problems every once and a while. With the McAffee haven't had any issues.


I had the same problem and it is because the window opens as a pop up, if you have any pop up blocking software it will be closed before it has chance to do anything.

Most pop up blocking software will allow the window to open if you are holding CTRL when you click on the link.



Expedition Poseur
OK, there must be some old popup blocking software running on my computer. With Norton isn't going to load. With Norton disabled, the <<ctrl>> + clicking on the link works.

It appears that 2 of the 3 problems I had were associated with Firefox. But when I click on the "resources" link, the "text on top of text" problem is still there....but the problem is in a different area of the screen.....:confused:


I am seeing the text on text problem in the resource window in IE too. I use a larger than normal font and it has caused problems like this in the past.



I didn't have any problems with it. I am guessing that it must be some other setting that you folks are using that is giving you headaches. Wish I could help.

Thanks for the link!

Scott Brady

New TREAD principals

Tread Lightly! On Land...

TRAVEL RESPONSIBLY on roads and trails or in permitted areas.
RESPECT THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS including private property owners and all recreational trail users, campers and others to allow them to enjoy their recreational activities undisturbed.
EDUCATE YOURSELF by obtaining travel maps and regulations from public agencies, planning for your trip, taking recreation skills classes, and knowing how to use and operate your equipment safely.
AVOID SENSITIVE AREAS such as meadows, lakeshores, wetlands and streams, unless on designated routes. This protects wildlife habitat and sensitive soils from damage.
DO YOUR PART by leaving the area better than you found it, properly disposing of waste, minimizing the use of fire, avoiding the spread of invasive species, restoring degraded areas, and joining a local enthusiast organization.


aventurero, Overland Certified OC0012
Now that I've got a Tread Lightly t-shirt from the trophy event, I should probably take the course. Thanks for the links & info Scott!

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