Trip to Cabo Corrientes Jalisco Mexico


New member
Hello All - I am new here but very happy to have found you all!!

I am sharing a trip I made at the beginning of the month to a coastal area just 60 kms south of Puerto Vallarta. We had to go in about 37 kms. of dirt road, I was glad to be in my Vanagon. It wa a great experience, very isolated beautiful beaches.


My 85Westy in front of a restaurant where we camped.


On the road


Passing the small fishing village of Ipala.


Another camping spot, all to ourselves.


The marina for fishing boats in front of the village of Tehaulmixtle, great seafood.


Lover's Beach


Nice! I just returned from a trip that took me through Yucatan and Quintana Roo. Some great back roads and beaches to explore. I love Mexico. Do you live in Guadalajara?


New member
Nice! I just returned from a trip that took me through Yucatan and Quintana Roo. Some great back roads and beaches to explore. I love Mexico. Do you live in Guadalajara?

Yes, I have lived here for 4 years, try to get out on week-ends and holidays.


Fauxverland Extraodinaire
How did you like your Westy on the washboards? I'm planning to get back to Baja this year but it'll be the first time in my 86 Westy!

Do you have any Westy specific advice for traveling down there?


New member
Good tires are a must of course. I have Hankook RA08 on my 14in rims, I am very happy with these. I keep the pressure high, 42PSI in the back and 38PSI in the front, does seem to rattle around a bit, but the van handled very well.
:smiley_drive:The Regular 87 octane gas works well in Mexico for these waterboxer engines, I think I get better performance than gas in the USA.
I travel with lots of tools and some extra filters, although you can also get them in Mexico. Parts are an issue though, when I need something I have to order and wait 2 weeks for them to arrive. Mechanics in general are good at making do, and can get you back on the road.

:Wow1: Watch out for speed bumps, they love to put them everywhere, most are marked, but some sneak up on you are are not painted. Just go slow anyway, I have missed a couple, but does not seem to have affected my suspension.

:)A great vehicle for Mexico, handles well in traffic on the narrow roads and city streets. I try to camp in or close to a secure area of course, crime is an issue, but if your are smart you will have no problems.

Good luck on your trip. It is a beautiful country.


Fauxverland Extraodinaire
As a current mexico resident, can you comment on the "volience situation"? From your trip perspective, of course, to keep it on topic.


New member
As a current mexico resident, can you comment on the "volience situation"? From your trip perspective, of course, to keep it on topic.

Yeah, any talk about Baja and Mexico, always come back to the violence. It is a complicated issue, not as simple as what is in the media.
Most of my experience is outside of Baja, from what I know that is still one of the safer areas in the country. But, you still need to be carefull.

If you take away the narco inter-gang turf wars, and the political/police/narco killings, really the danger in Mexico is not that much different than it was 30 years ago. There is more crime than 30 years ago for sure, but it would still follow those statistical parameters.

In the center-east part of the country along the border it is dangerous, but if you stay on the toll roads you will be OK. Michocan is a dangerous state, we went over before, but I have not gone back for 2 years. Oaxaca and Chiapas has had some violence in the past, land disputes, and general problems, so beware. But the rest of the country is about the same as it always has been.

Just be smart and you will be fine, it is a great get away and beautiful place. The people are very nice. Good luck and have a fun!:sombrero:


New member
So I'm interested in driving from Reno, NV, to Cabo San Lucas. Can you give me a basic description of what that would be like? IE Mileage, basic route (easiest Route), conditions, and general advice? Do you need a visa or just a valid US passport?
Thanks for the Help!
Spencer Kales


New member
Hello Spencer,

The drive down the peninsula is just under 1,100 miles and you can take the Mexico 1 Highway all the way down from Tijuana to the tip. An alternate route that is fun but a bit more rugged would be crossing at Mexicali and going down the east side of the peninsula through San Felipe, Puertecitos and Gonzaga Bay and hooking up with Highway 1 just south of Cataviña. A good portion of this stretch is graded dirt, but does not require 4WD.

I would say allow yourself at least 5 days to make the drive down, otherwise you will be spending all of your time in the car!

For up to date road conditions I would visit the BajaNomad Forum Road Conditions section. They always have really current info there.

You would need a passport to get your tourist visa.

Hope this helps!


New member
Thanks! That really clears things up. About the drug violence, what's the current situation on the peninsula? That's the main reason my parents aren't letting me go at the moment. :( I'm still a Senior in High School, therefore under my parents' jurisdiction.


Thanks! That really clears things up. About the drug violence, what's the current situation on the peninsula? That's the main reason my parents aren't letting me go at the moment. :( I'm still a Senior in High School, therefore under my parents' jurisdiction.


Cabo Corrientes is in Mainland Mex. If I were you I'd post your questions under the trip planning page (below) and you might get more help.

Also, Geoff above me made an excellent reference to the BajaNomad forum. There is a ton of info there ranging from road conditions and trip reports, to destinations and reviews.

To 85westy, thanks for your photos. that is a beautiful area!!!


Hola Paisano. in 07 I spend 3 weeks in the PV area, and 1 day I took a day trip to check out Playa Tehua, we stayed at a cabana south of the Bay and kayaked over to the fishing village for fresh seafood. That is a nice part of Jalisco's coast that is being sold out for future development.

Have you been to Punta Penitas? I was there last Spring. It is a very nice pristine beach with palapa camping, lacking services, thus the charm.

Please do post about future trips to the coast. You may want to reach out to the local off road club vallarta4x4, those guys have the local trails wired and do a lot of exploration around the Bahia de Banderas and beyond.

Hello All - I am new here but very happy to have found you all!!

I am sharing a trip I made at the beginning of the month to a coastal area just 60 kms south of Puerto Vallarta. We had to go in about 37 kms. of dirt road, I was glad to be in my Vanagon. It wa a great experience, very isolated beautiful beaches.


My 85Westy in front of a restaurant where we camped.


On the road


Passing the small fishing village of Ipala.


Another camping spot, all to ourselves.


The marina for fishing boats in front of the village of Tehaulmixtle, great seafood.


Lover's Beach

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