More recommendation around Capital Reef National Park. I'm actually doing both Burr trail & cathedral valley scenic backway. In Moab/Canyonland area, I hoping to do white rim trail, but have limited time, so Shafer trail/Potash Rd, Long Canyon Rd is my fallback.

I will do Burr Trail for sure. But looking at Cathedral Valley byway, it seems a little out of my way, so I may not do that. But I just read more about it and it says it a 57 miles loop. I will not be able to do that many miles on dirt roads. They say it takes 4 hours to do it all. But I see the trail starts from inside the park off hwy 24. You turn off Hartnet Road and after a short drive of less than 1 miles, there seems to be a somewhat big river crossing that the car must go through the water. yes, I can see myself going on that road for that and maybe drive like 5 miles or less on the dirt road and turn around and come back same way to cross the river again. Because I plan to leave Capitol Reef and head to Moab which will be a 3 hours drive. And the drive to Moab has some great places to stop for rock formations and pictures, so that 3 hours drive will be more like 4 to 5 hours.

In Moab, I am definitely doing Shafer Trail and Potash Road. Last year it was closed to traffic when I was there. I was not happy. So, I hope this year it is open for use.

Long Canyon Rd is a nice trail that I always go on. There is one spot on that trail that for some reason each of the last 2 years that I have been on, I take a line that puts my suv in a position that it seems feels like it will tip over on the driver side from any sudden jerk.
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The Cathedral Valley loop is a bit much to do as a side trip. With the schedule you're running I wouldn't recommend it, at a rush I think of it as a half to full day diversion. If you have some spare time do a side trip to Goblin Valley or up into San Rafael Swell using I-70. That can be limited to only a couple hours at a minimum or 4-6 hours with some small hiking and exploring.
If you have some spare time do a side trip to Goblin Valley or up into San Rafael Swell using I-70. That can be limited to only a couple hours at a minimum or 4-6 hours with some small hiking and exploring.

Thanks for this suggestion. I think I will go to San Rafael Swell. Just looked at some pictures online and it is picturesque.
Started my road trip last night at 9pm. Long and boring drive through the night, stopping every so often to fill up this has guzzler.

Random pic at 2am on I-10

One of the many gas stops throughout the night
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Made it to El Paso, TX at 6:30am and decided to go visit the El Paso Scenic Drive Parkwhich overlooks the city. It was nice and good morning distraction.


Then I took my Mavic Pro up in the air to take a 180 panorama shot of the whole mountain. You can barely see how small my black suv appears in the pic.
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After that, I had been contemplating if I should drive to Juarez, Mexico or not.

Against all advice and judgment, and being only 10 miles from the US/Mexico border, and still having a lot of time to kill before getting on the road for Phoenix, I decided it was a good idea to cross the border with my suv and go see if I can have breakfast in Juarez, Mexico.

Drove over easy. The Mexican police at the entrance gate made my suv stay longer at the entrance gate as I guess they probably x-rayed my car. Then they ushered me into Juarez, Mexico. Time was about 8:15am. City was not fully awake.

As I slowly drove into town, I saw a guy and pulled over and asked him where I can get some good authentic Mexican food. First thing he said was nice car and asked me if I was selling it. I said nope. He directed me to a restaurant by Plaza De La Americas. I thanked him and gave him $2. He was very happy.

I drove into town and I must say I felt a bit uneasy as I felt my suv was getting a lot of looks. Well, it did not phase me, but I could not find the restaurant. I pulled up at Plaza De La Americas and tried to ask 2 more people but could not find someone who could speak English. The only thing I could get across was taco and the universal where can I buy it sign. Well, it seems I was too early in town for breakfast, so I decided I have had enough of Juarez and it was time to go back to the US.

As I got closer to the border, the guy who gave me directions ignored other cars on the road and basically came and stopped me in the middle of the street. I had to make him get off the street since cars were passing by him, but he did not care. He asked me if I ate. I said no. He said no way, that let him get into my car and take me to the taco place. Lol, he was already opening the door. Thank God my Infiniti has the safety lock, so doors were locked. But he did not look like he had bad motives. I just told him I was good and thanked him for his help as I drove off.

I got to the border and pulled up and handed over my passport. He asked my name, what I do for a living and the purpose of the very short visit to Mexico. I answered him as I saw another agent bringing a German Shepherd around my car to sniff it. He asked me to roll down all windows. He poked and looked at some stuff in the back seat and trunk. Car is fully loaded with all kinds of stuff including my gopro and drone just sitting out in plain view. But he did not bother me about those.

Well, everything seemed to check out well about me.

He comes to my window to handover my passport, his demeanor changes and he becomes very friendly. He says he likes my car and asks why on earth would I go to visit Juarez in such a car that may attract thieves. I said it is my first time and I just wanted to visit and eat the food in Juarez. Well, he says Juarez is a very dangerous place and he would not advice anybody to visit. And he proceeded to tell me that 4 people were killed within the last 7 days. That the rate of crime is too high for him to advice anybody to go there. We really held up the line and talked a bit and he said he would advice me to avoid Juarez.

I thanked him and cranked my car and was about to pull out when here comes 2 agents in a pickup truck. They cut me off and blocked me in. Wow! One comes out and walks over to me and says he hears I went to Juarez with my car. That he just wants to tell me that 2 days ago a 23yo US citizen visiting Juarez was shot as an innocent bystander. And that I should know that Juarez is the fourth deadliest city in the world while neighboring El Paso has been the safest US city for the last 4 years. So, he said if I want some Mexican tacos next time, he knows more than 1 in El Paso that makes authentic Mexican tacos. That I should please avoid Juarez if I can.

He got back in his truck and they left and I followed. We got to the light and when it turned green, they waved and told me to be safe on my trip.
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Yesterday, driving from Tucson to Phoenix, got into a passing sand storm.

Today was driving Phoenix,AZ to Oatman, AZ (using route 66) to Las Vegas, NV.
Route 66. From Kingman, AZ to Oatman, AZ

About 11 miles from the picture above, make sire to stop at this location below called Cool Springs. Take a look at history and enjoy the landscape.

Drone 180 panoramic shot of Cool Springs.

About 5 miles after Cool Springs is Sitgreaves Pass. This is a must stop point and the highest elevation on this 13 miles stretch road from Kingman to Oatman. It offers great 360 view of the historic area. And it truly takes you back in time. Just start up there and enjoy the endless views upon views.

Screenshot of my drone inflight to take some aerial infiniti shots of the endless views upon view

And here are the views upon views at Sitgreaves Pass.



If you are lucky to get to Oatman before noon, stop by at exactly noon to watch this gunfight. They do it every day at noon. And it is busy season for them, they do it twice a day at noon and 2:15pm. I was lucky to get to Oatman 10 minutes before it started and it was a good touristic distraction.

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Today on my way to Vegas, I decided to stop at Hoover Dam. Got to the security gate and the guy asked me, do you have a drone in your car? I said yes. He called over to another security guy and shouted "Security check at gate 2." He then asked me to go to gate 2. I went there an the security guard asked me to get out of the car and open the trunk of my car. These guys all have guns.

I opened my car and he even asked me to open the big tote I have and he stretched to look inside. Then he said ok, everything looks good. So, I go to get into my car and I hear that security guard scream, "He has a drone!" It sounded like he was screaming I had a gun! I was shocked. Well, next thing I know, the security guard next to me said Sorry sir we, we cannot let you have access to the Dam because you have a drone with you. I said, "What?" He said new rules require them to not allow any drone get into the dam. I told him I am not flying the drone at the Dam. It is in its case locked up in the car. He said, it is not a matter of flying it. We just do not allow any drone to get into the park. So, you need to turn around and leave. You can come back any time as long as you are not carrying a drone.

I explained to him that I am just arriving from Texas and on my way to Vegas. So, how would I know to not have a drone in my car when there is no notice outside the park as I drove into the park? Then I asked if I could get a copy of where that is said on their website for people to know. He said it is somewhere on their website and I should go search for it.

Ok, I was done at this point and I said "No problem, I will leave." I made a u-turn and left the park.

I got to the visitor center and told them about this and asked if I could speak to someone to see if this information is written anywhere so visitors can know before coming to Hoover Dam. I mean, if you are on a road trip going to use your drone offroading in some back roads, it means you cannot even have the drone in your car and get into Hoover Dam. So, would be nice if the have this information to share.

well, I got a number to call and got customer service who transferred me to someone in security. He said he was in charge of security. I told him what just happened and asked if that was true. He said yes. Then I said I really did not know and wanted to know if there is a link to their website to read this so I can be well informed for next time and tell friends too for next time. He said it is somewhere on their website. Well, I had taken a few minutes to look at their website to find the information but could not find it. I told him I did not find it when I looked, so can he please direct me to the correct link? He said I should go on the website (US Bureau of Reclamation) and look for it or go on the hoover dam website and look for it also. That he does not have time to look for it. So, I said can they please print out that information on paper and have it at the gate so they can give it out to people like me who just found out about that rue today? He did not respond to that and just said that is all he could do for me now. That was it.

That is something I have never heard before.

The only picture I could get was at the outlook.
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Today was quite a busy day. Started off with stopping at the famous Welcome to Las Vegas sign for a poser shot.

Next destination was Red Rock Canyon National Park. I researched and saw on their website that they do allow people to fly drones at this National Park. It is on their webstie under FAQ. I have a screen shot here to share.

The park is a 13 miles scenic loop with multiple pullout points and short hikes. First pullout has this majestic red rock.

Third pullout

From outside the park, taking an aerial shot of all the majestic rocks. Showing the contrast in them from the ones on the left side of the park to the ones on the right side.


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