U.P. Overland 2009


I kept thinking of that scene from Role Models with the dude mad at the camping guitarists that can't actually play an entire song.

Well, I sound good to me dang it!

Ha! And that reminded me the SNL sketch where Will Ferrell and Horatio Sanz are wedding singers but they only know I (Just) Died in Your Arms Tonight by The Cutting Crew.


New member
UP Overland Video #2 - Teamwork


Just got home to Colorado, took the restless golden for a long hike and with the help of Tom and Kristian we all got the second video uploaded with audio:wings:

All your pictures look wonderful and many thanks for all the wonderful comments - life is good when you can travel with such a wonderful group!

This is a long link but cut and paste it into the URL bar and enjoy the view!


<object width="400" height="300"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=6308260&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=6308260&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="300"></embed></object><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/6308260">UP Overland 2009 - Teamwork</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/upoverland">U.P. Overland</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>


New member
Thanks Jason - still figuring out the cut and paste tricks for the links. Keep laughing Blythe it's good medicine for the soul:)



Perpetual Transient
I'm loving it. It almost looks staged too in the beginning but I honestly had no idea it was that bad. As I rolled up to it though there was no doubt in my mind that it wasn't going to be driveable. Jason, you are classic.. "should I call for a shovel?" :D good stuff. Yeah, every shovel was put to use, and we got that thing driveable in no time. I think Tom's bear hunting uncle who got stock behind our caravan would have given it a go in his Z71 if we wouldn't have been impeding his hunt. haha


We realized that besides missing Ian, we also missed getting Dave's pic. And we forgot to put in Jason, Aaron and Blazes pic. Sorry.

1.jpg Jason, Aaron and Blaze

FJ40 Guy

Teddi here. I still have my pictures of everybody to post, so Dave and Ian there will be more of you up soon :) and everybody else too.

FJ40 Guy

It's like I need to take an expedition trip somewhere in the fall to help tide me over until next year.


I'm all for that! Even if a small group from this area got together it would be fun, we're close by, Kenton isn't far, I think there are a few others in this area. Maybe we could do a short trip to one of the offroad parks... There's one in Ottawa, the one in Attica, IN, or maybe some folks would like to run up to Manistee. It's 5 hours for me, but worth it for 3 or 4 days, but I'm running out of vacation.


I have the tracks from this year, but I'm missing a stretch from Marquette to Munising because I forgot to save them before I ran out of track points. Jason, I see you have the complete set, and I'm sure a few others do too. Can someone email me the whole set or just that piece W of Marquette to E of Munising so I can make up some detailed maps and post them like last year? coolfj40 [at] comcast dot net

We have some good pictures I will post tonight... We're having a ball checking out all the photos and videos. Great job with the videos Jenn and Kristian, I'm loving the choice of songs (we can make the world a better place... Outstanding - I almost fell over laughing!)

And congratulations Jaeme and Mark! The family that welds together stays together... or something like that! Great choice for a symbolic location.

More soon...

Silver dude

I'm all for that! Even if a small group from this area got together it would be fun, we're close by, Kenton isn't far, I think there are a few others in this area. Maybe we could do a short trip to one of the offroad parks... There's one in Ottawa, the one in Attica, IN, or maybe some folks would like to run up to Manistee. It's 5 hours for me, but worth it for 3 or 4 days, but I'm running out of vacation.

Yeah if you have not been to Attica yet you must go. For a private park they have a lot of different terrains. Everything from sand dunes to rocky creek beds. It pretty much the only park I go to the rest of the parks near here (Cliffs, Rock port) are designed around hillbilly's that like to bury their rig in a gooey swamp. I'd also like another adventure to tide me over. I've considered Pipeline, Mccastlin mountain area as in the fall the colors would rock. But, I may just pack up and head to Moab.

FJ40 Guy

Yeah if you have not been to Attica yet you must go. For a private park they have a lot of different terrains. Everything from sand dunes to rocky creek beds. It pretty much the only park I go to the rest of the parks near here (Cliffs, Rock port) are designed around hillbilly's that like to bury their rig in a gooey swamp. I'd also like another adventure to tide me over. I've considered Pipeline, Mccastlin mountain area as in the fall the colors would rock. But, I may just pack up and head to Moab.

I wanted to go to the Cliffs, but the lady at the entrance was into FJ40's and she told me mine was too pretty to wreck out there, which she was sure would happen on the slimy sideways tracks with all of the rain, so we left... You're giving me bad visuals of hillbillys (which I are one, I think). We went to McCaslin Mountain, liked it, made it up OK over about 250' of logs in washouts like we repaired on this trip, but then had a hard time finding a way down, many of which would have buried my '40 to the roof in mud (good thing we walked the trails first). Finally found the green / blue trails and got down with no problem, but there are some wicked trails there. We kept exploring for another 7 days or so in that area and north.


I have never really explored the Manistee area, so if somebody wanted to do a trip, I would likely be up for it if I can get the time off. My club puts an event on in West Branch in January though so I have to make sure I have enough time for pre-running and such.

Let me know if you guys want to do a run.


Well I went through the video that we shot, not much to work with but enough to put a little something together.
Still have yet to go through our 300+ pictures.
Did anyone film me giving Daves truck a little tug up that last sand hill?
Overlander's + U.P. = Great memories!

Pic's to follow,
Pad & Beth
I have never really explored the Manistee area, so if somebody wanted to do a trip, I would likely be up for it if I can get the time off. My club puts an event on in West Branch in January though so I have to make sure I have enough time for pre-running and such.

Let me know if you guys want to do a run.

I'm not far from westbranch or Manistee so if you guys are up this way let me know.

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