Update build threads


I'm planning to build a trailer and have been studying the sticky of build threads. I have been through 30 pages of the sticky. There are a lot of incomplete builds. Please update your completed builds for all to learn.


Personally I am very grateful for whatever information the unpaid volunteers have contributed, incomplete is certainly better than nothing.

If I were paying the authors to write up these reports, then I would be justified in expressing such an entitlement to higher expectations.


alrighty then!

So, perhaps you have specific questions?

if you start a new thread on a given topic, you will be communicating with people that may be able to answer at least as well, and most importantly are actually around to do so.

link to specific posts, across multiple threads if you like, but best to keep a given thread oriented around on topic area.

obviously the more research you do in advance, the better your quality of question, and the more likely you will get good answers from some knowledgeable gurus.


300+ pages of threads in this forum and you're worried about the builds that weren't documented to the end?

There's plenty to learn on the threads here...including the fact that most ideas are not followed through to completion.


Slackers of Expedition Portal unite! lol It is like reading a novel and the last 3 chapters are missing. A fireworks show with no grand finale. A race that rains out. I don't feel entitled. I don't feel like anyone owes me anything. My Mustang build thread on The Turbo Forum was not always up to date, but I never thought, "who are you to ask me to update my build?" Or " I'm not getting paid to do this". I was part of the community and tried to share my ideas and document my build to add to the wealth of info of people that came before me. Y'all are keeping this on the front page. And maybe some of the incomplete build threads will be updated, not because they owe me anything, but because it helps us all.

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