Upgrading electrical system On Travel Trailer


Tail-End Charlie

What I forgot to say is that the reason you normally only do an EQ when needed instead of doing it on a routine basis, is that by overcharging the battery, you are in fact over-stressing it. You do it if you have to - after all, one or more cells is already low so whatdaya got to lose? - but you don't do it if you don't have to.


New member

What I forgot to say is that the reason you normally only do an EQ when needed instead of doing it on a routine basis, is that by overcharging the battery, you are in fact over-stressing it. You do it if you have to - after all, one or more cells is already low so whatdaya got to lose? - but you don't do it if you don't have to.

If it is something I dont have to do very often then can I do the Iota charger for normal operation and then find a less expensive way to EQ the batteries on occasion? If thats even possible.


Tail-End Charlie
I'm starting to think maybe I over did things. Originally all I wanted was to be able to run my furnace all night. I had no idea I was looking at another $1k to even start to get this to work.

Nah. Just get the DLS-55 with IQ/4 and run a pair of those Crowns. Your existing batteries are probably nearly screwed anyway.

If I just buy a Charger and hook it up to my 2 12 volt batteries while they are hooked up to the existing 12volt camper system will it have any negative effects on the camper charger?

No problem.

The existing "converter" is probably just a low amp constant voltage power supply. Probably set to 13.6v or some such. Whenever the battery voltage is below that level, both the existing converter and the Iota will be supplying power to the battery. When the battery voltage exceeds the voltage set point of the converter, then the converter won't be helping - if the converter can only do 13.6v and the battery is at say 13.7v or higher - then the converter can't "push" hard enough to overcome that. At that point, the only power being supplied to the electrical system will be whatever the Iota is supplying.

So by leaving the batteries hooked up and running the furnace will I hurt anything buy buying a Iota charger and hooking it up at the battery? That way my furnace runs and I can charge the batteries?

That will work perfectly.

While the gen is running, all the stuff in the camper will be running from the Iota, and the battery will be a load on the 12v bus and will be sucking in some juice. At night, the battery won't be acting as a load anymore, it'll be acting as the power supply for the 12v bus.


New member
Nah. Just get the DLS-55 with IQ/4 and run a pair of those Crowns. Your existing batteries are probably nearly screwed anyway.

No problem.

The existing "converter" is probably just a low amp constant voltage power supply. Probably set to 13.6v or some such. Whenever the battery voltage is below that level, both the existing converter and the Iota will be supplying power to the battery. When the battery voltage exceeds the voltage set point of the converter, then the converter won't be helping - if the converter can only do 13.6v and the battery is at say 13.7v or higher - then the converter can't "push" hard enough to overcome that. At that point, the only power being supplied to the electrical system will be whatever the Iota is supplying.

That will work perfectly.

While the gen is running, all the stuff in the camper will be running from the Iota, and the battery will be a load on the 12v bus and will be sucking in some juice. At night, the battery won't be acting as a load anymore, it'll be acting as the power supply for the 12v bus.

That sounds like a good idea to me. I was kinda worried there for a minute. The thought of ruining those batteries had me spooked. I have had them for 4 months and been researching everything I could before messing with them hoping I wasn't going to hurt them.

One last question is should I have some sort of "trickle" charger on them when not in use?


Tail-End Charlie
If it is something I dont have to do very often then can I do the Iota charger for normal operation and then find a less expensive way to EQ the batteries on occasion? If thats even possible.

Yah, totally possible. You don't need a boatload of amps to EQ (because you have to fully charge the battery before you EQ it), you need a power supply that can supply a perfectly regulated voltage.

If and when you need to EQ, you could do it with one of these:

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New member
Hey Padawan...what the hell you think a float stage IS anyway?

Works for me. I actually have a temporary set up in mind till I get my Solar panels and take a chance of having to redo anything. I was planning to set everything up in a Plastic Tote and external quick connects out in front of the camper where the original battery boxes are. So I could move the whole system inside the Shed and plug it all back in to maintain the batteries.


Tail-End Charlie
Works for me. I actually have a temporary set up in mind till I get my Solar panels and take a chance of having to redo anything. I was planning to set everything up in a Plastic Tote and external quick connects out in front of the camper where the original battery boxes are. So I could move the whole system inside the Shed and plug it all back in to maintain the batteries.

That'll work. And if those batteries have been sitting around for 4 months without being charged (and who knows how long before that) you wanna get them hooked up to a decent charger ASAP.


New member
Hi how's it going everyone I just bought a jeep took it off roading did great came home took to the quarter car wash was washing it with the motor running rinsed everyone off drove away bout 2 miles it shut off and won't start it s a 2002 sahara 4.0 auto Can anyone help it cranks over fine I cleaned all the sensor conections and made sure everything was dry I did the code test got b0 and b1 and have no gauges working at all no fuel and no spark I did the PCM test the gauges cycled when I did that but nothing after still won't start when I turn the key on I have power to all the sensors and the grounds are good also any ideas ???


New member
This is my Temporary install until I order the Solar Panels next summer. I had an old diamond plate took box I can lock up. This way I can back the small trailer this is all mounted on up to the camper and plug it all in. I made it all so I can charge all 4 batteries at once or remove 2 jumpers and add a plug to charge 2 while using 2. Ran out of money this year buying what I have so far. Looking forward to the Solar Panels next year. I appreciate all the help and advice.


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Tail-End Charlie
Nice! I think all battery boxes should have a quart of oil and a funnel. Gotta keep those babies topped off!

A suggestion: Move the negative wire as per this pic. The reason is that the way you have it now, it's unbalanced and String 1 will do the most work.


Still, looks good. What size charger is that?


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Tail-End Charlie
Never mind the question. I see it's a DLS-55 with IQ/4. Lovely.

And there's really no need to use two and charge two. In fact, it's better if you don't.

You can charge at the same time as you run loads, the IQ/4 has a timer on the absorb stage so it won't get stuck in absorb. That is specifically so that you CAN charge and run loads at the same time.


New member
Thanks for pointing out the negative wire issue. I had no clue about that. You have been quite a bit of help for me doing this. Very much appreciated. I will look into those caps too. I leave tomorrow morning to head up on the mountain. Will be up about 9k ft for a week. I go to hunt but to be honest its more about time with my kids. If we all get something its a bonus. Thanks again.
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Tail-End Charlie
No worries. Glad to help. Have fun in the hills with family.

Slap it together, take it out and USE it. :D

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