Upper Chute and Baptist Draw...best technical slot canyon ever?


Expedition Leader
The canyons of Upper Chute and Baptist Draw might be one of the best canyon combos ever. If you get a chance drop into Baptist Draw near Teepee Rock. Hike down and do two Raps. From there hike straight up Upper Chute. The best 1 mile of canyon I have done. Nice, dark, tight, and just fun. In places you could not have your pack on. If you want it short you can exit at the top and hike back. For a nice 9 mile round trip head back the way you came. Go passed R2 in Baptist and will quickly find R3. That will be your last rap and begin the hiking descent of Baptist. When the wall start to open up, turn right and hike up Fault Canyon. Then hike up that a ways and when it opens up turn right and hike straight up and over the bench down the valley and back up to the other bench where you have staged you other vehicle. Or, you could have staged a vehicle at the top of fault and just kept hiking straight out. Not as fun though.

No water. Easy hike. Gorgeous slot.


Expedition Leader
Glad u enjoyed...a great route indeed! Did u camp up on top by the junipers...great spots with awesome views!


Expedition Leader
We sure did. That was a great spot. Sadly the wind was just crazy the night evening before. Luckily it died down right as the sun was setting.

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