Ursa Minor Pop-Top Jeep JK


Just wanted to take a moment and thank all who have contributed to this thread. I am about 30 days out from ordering and this thread has helped me greatly in making this decision.:beer:


Rendezvous Conspirator
Anyone see these go on sale used? And where do you look?

I believe I've seen one top-only for sale, and one jeep-with-top for sale. I think they both showed up in the classifieds here, and were also listed on craigslist or eBay. As Ursa Minor starts to get more of a user base out there, there might start to be a community grow up around it. Granted most of his buyers are expo type, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were an official or unofficial Ursa Minor owners forum pop-up, with it's own classifieds.


Just wanted to take a moment and thank all who have contributed to this thread. I am about 30 days out from ordering and this thread has helped me greatly in making this decision.:beer:

Congrats. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.



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No kidding! Right down to the tires and faded Trasharoo, although it looks likes we have slightly different slides. Maybe that's why Mario was focused on the IPA. :)

Yah, I wanted the bigger stove with the lid/screen built in so I went with another slide vs ATs one. I didn't want to pay more for a lesser stove so I had to customize both to get them to work together, but I am happier with it like this. I do all my food prep on the closed stove as it is higher then the flip down table (I am 6-2)

Any yah, have to support your local Brews!


J30 vs RTT - thoughts?

Does anybody have experience with both the J30 and a RTT? I've read this entire thread and there's a ton of good info here, but I'd love to get anyone's thoughts specifically on making the switch from a RTT to the J30.

I currently have a James Baroud RTT on a roof rack with a Hannibal awning alongside. It's a great set-up (installed by previous owner), but it makes the jeep a little taller than I'd like (7'3"). I'm fortunate to live in SoCal, so I visited the Ursa Minor shop a few months ago and measured one of the tops being built - swapping that on to my jeep would bring the height down to 6'6" - this is important because most parking garages around here have 7' clearance. My current apartment building is ok, but when my lease ends in the spring I don't have very many options.

So, for you guys who have used both the RTT & J30, do you prefer one or the other? Are you happy with your choice?

My current considerations look like this:

- J30 provides a clean, low drag, relatively light (I estimate it would be approx 100 lbs lighter than the current set-up) option, but there is significant cost associated. I would plan to add some version of the Manta or Batwing awning as well. Not sure about ease of J30 entry/exit with another person sleeping inside. Also, ability to add racks to the top of the J30 would enhance surfboard transport - at the expense of some garage clearance, of course.

- Current set up works great and the RTT is easy to enter/exit, but jeep is (even more) top-heavy and it directly affects my ability to garage it (primary consideration since I travel a lot for work and want the jeep safely tucked away while I'm gone).

- I would sell my current hard-top complete with rack, tent & front lights to offset the cost, but it will still be an expensive swap.

Overall, I recognize that this does not qualify as an actual problem since I have a pretty rad setup right now, but I wanted to consider all options. Thanks in advance for your input!


I did not have a RTT on a JKU but I did have a RTT previously on another vehicle. I prefer the J30 for a number of reasons:
- Ease of getting in when weather is crummy outside. I do not find it that hard to get out with another person up there, but it does take some practice. You could add a ladder as you can access the top from outside if you wanted to.
- Can stand up in the Jeep/J30
- I don't have to store a RTT (it sounds like you don't remove your RTT so it may not be a problem)
- Garage Clearance
- If I am not using it, it is just a top.

Personally I did not find a difference in handling characteristics due to added height. I liked my RTT but the removing it + not fitting in the garage were a deal breaker.


I'm not sure if you have a hard shell or soft shell RTT. If you have a soft shell, I would add the ease of set up and breakdown of the J30 as a major benefit. We travel frequently with someone who has an ARB RTT, and seeing them set up and break down the RTT helped us decide on the J30. We mostly do trips where we are in a different camp spot each night, and not having to pack up a ground tent or RTT every morning is nice.

We did not like the hassle of getting in and out with two of us "up top" (particularly when one is still asleep) so we use an external ladder.

DSC00752 (3).jpg

That said, the ability to access the top from inside and standup inside is a bonus to us.

The mounts for rack towers only add about 3 inches without the rack on. I store my MaxTrax on top when on trips.

DSC00751 (3) (1024x683).jpg



That's great info- thank you both. I think adding a ladder to the outside will be massively helpful. Also, I wasn't sure where to put the Maxtrax since they mount on my current roof rack- putting them up top is a great idea. It sounds silly on an "expedition vehicle" but the ability to fit in a garage is a big deal. Plus, I like that the J30 is otherwise "just a top." This is really helping my decision.

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