Using vehicles built in GPS Antenna for tracking...


I'm trying to figure out how to do this. I have a GPS antenna on my FJ but my vehicle didn't come with an actual GPS unit. If I download maps onto my MacBook using a offline mapping application is it possible to use my vehicles GPS antenna to track my current location?


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
sure, a GPS antenna is a GPS antenna, you can hook up any GPS with an external antenna to it. I don't know about Macbooks but if it has a built in GPS with an external antenna port then just connect it up, you may need an adapter to mate the cars cable end to the external antenna port on the GPS, it's not universal.


Thanks for the reply. I didn't think about the process for connected the cable to the laptop. I guess it would be much easier to just buy a new GPS antenna and mount it somewhere on the vehicle.


For OEM antennas you'd need to check what connection it uses; SMA might be it. But it might be a major pain to get to, and then you've gotta run the cable to your GPS.

And you're right, your GPS has to attach to your Mac. I use bluetooth, and put the GPS receiver on the dash. Works well enough. If you're looking a good one try the Dual xgps150a; it works with many mobile devices as well (like iPhones; not many others do) and has a high refresh rate (for those track days in the FJ :Wow1: ). It's not much bigger than the active antennas. Or try USGlobalSat; they sometimes have BT units on sale as refurbs. I've used those on my mac with success.



New member
Hello everyone. I am a new user of this forum and this is my first post. Well i think it is better to buy a new gps tracking system rather than using cables and connect with laptop. Its a not a big issue to attach antena with device. You can ask some good ideas that how to attach antena with device.If you need any help then we are here.
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Thanks for the reply.

Yep. USB GPS dongles can be had for less than $50 and would take the hassle of interfacing things almost out of the equation.

Now if you were thinking about building your own LoJack system with an iPod and a GPS dongle, that's a different story.

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