Utility bed...


Found one of these for sale and want to see what you kids think.


The one I found is faded but the gel looks good, has a ladder rack but that looks easily modifiable or removeable. Seems light, sits pretty tight to the body, will easily clear 35s and can be spaced up to clear much larger (I doubt I will ever go bigger than 37s). I am putting it on my 99 2500 Dodge diesel.


Expedition Leader
Looks like a winner. Have you found any negatives on the net about them? Do the doors warp or does it suffer from cracks after a little use?



No negatives yet. The glass is super thick and I'll find out how heavy this Saturday when I do the bed swap. The one I found has a lumber rack which is removable and modifiable. So either my RTT will go up there or what ever. I'll post up pics after the install.


Well, I pulled the trigger. The back needs to come up an inch or so and I need to figure the bumper situation out and some protection around the rear but overall I like it. There is a Job Box thing in the back that I might keep as it fits perfectly. Also need to get the RTT mounted and maybe trim the lumber rack back a bit as it hangs over the cab pretty far.



Expedition Leader
What is your goal for the utility bed, seems it will actually decrease the type of terrain you can go over due to the overall increase in size and weight?


looks cool, have you considered a 2-3" body lift for the bed?
that would help that departure angle, and might even up the tops of the wheelwells a bit.
you would have to chop down that lumber rack too.


The goal is a recovery rig/general overlander basically. The plan is to have a fair amount of hardware to tug folks out (as long as I can get to them). I still may build a trailer to tow behind, but that won't change the trucks plans too much. I am not sure the departure angle is less than stock really. The back of the bed is the exact same length and sits higher than the stock bumper...but I will measure it and see. I am still going to do a long arm and shackle flip which gain me a couple of inches lift and I may raise the body and or bed (more likely which will allow more beefier sliders and some rear corner protection too. Plus I still have build a tire rack of some sort.

The bed is really pretty light since it is fiberglass...the damn job box thing in the back likely is most of the weight. Plus it's a diesel so it's damn heavy anyhoo.

The lumber rack is an easy thing to ditch or modify...so I am sure that will happen.


Well it has been longer than I wanted, but here is some progress (at least in the rack dept.)...

Out with the old and...

In with the new.

It's modular, all the pieces can be moved, changed, replaced, etc...except the front uprights and cross bar...

Those I tig welded for strength and to keep it from folding flat.

It weighs 1/3 that dumb lumber rack and is WAY stronger...we use this stuff at work for rigging big overhead stuff..so it is pretty bomber.


Looks good! I wouldn't worry about lifting the bed, since it's flush with the bottom of the cab. I wouldn't worry too much about departure angle either, I run minimal lift and only 34" tires and I have only drug my bumper a few times. Just make sure and build it with clearance in mind.

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That's a great looking bumper sir...I was planning either a boxed unit like that or maybe even a tube/desert style (mostly because it'll be cheaper) and add a tire and Fuel can holder. I do have to remount the bed though...the knuckleheads mounted too far back and not level...that kind of stuff kills me.

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