Vehicle Soft Door Lock


I was looking for an option of having my Soft Doors to lock, but can't find anything so far. May be Expo crowd can come up with an idea or seen an option somewhere out ready to use.
I perfectly understands, that its just a "retainer" style of protection, but I need something to keep "pocket takers" away. I know that if someone really wants something he'll get through the SoftTop or SoftDoors, but may be something not expensive will help keep some of the bad guys out.
Any ideas are much appreciated.



Automotive Artist
Locks on doors keep honest people honest and do nothing to deter scum.

Locking doors on a soft top vehicle leads to holes cut into the soft top.

Let them take whatever they want without damaging the vehicle.

Don't have anything in the vehicle worth taking.



Automotive Artist
vBulletin is going retarded and won't let me delete the dupe post it caused.
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Expedition Leader
you can use paddel handles for a tool box. Did this to my cj7 when i was in High school. 2 weeks later I came out to a bent door frame on the pass side and the window cut on the drivers side. They took every thing and left me a note that said why did you make me cut your new top.

never locked it again


you can use paddel handles for a tool box. Did this to my cj7 when i was in High school. 2 weeks later I came out to a bent door frame on the pass side and the window cut on the drivers side. They took every thing and left me a note that said why did you make me cut your new top.

never locked it again

Do you by the chance have a picture of those handles?


I hope so.
I looke at the website you listed and they have a few options in different sizes.
As I understand I can just replace my hanle with those ones.
I need to see the dimensions of my handles and see if I can get a match.
At least this is something to start with...


Expedition Leader
I had best top doors im sure with som looking i could come up with a part number of what i used but it would be this evening.


Please do. I'd appreciate it as my Cruiser is in the Garage and I may not have time to go there for some time.
I'm running BesTop SoftTop and 2-piece SoftDoors as well.

Harald Hansen

How about two big grommets and a wire lock? Requires holes in the top and door, though...

I'd go with a lockable console inside and some orderliness. :)


Wiffleball Batter
My wife drove her "new" Jeep (95 YJ) to work on Tuesday. One of her co-workers is a serious jeeper, has a built up TJ with all the goodies.

First piece of advice he gave her was: Never, never never EVER lock your doors. Locking your doors is a way of telling thieves (1) there's something in here worth stealing and (2) Please cut my top.

Instead, we got a locking center console, which I will be installing this weekend. Anything worth keeping goes in the console. It even has a cool locking compartment for the stereo, although we won't but using that at this time (honestly, I can't imagine anybody wanting the crappy POS stereo. The cheap off-road lights on the windshield are probably worth more. Hell, the change in the ashtray is probably worth more.)


Active member
Never, never never EVER lock your doors. Locking your doors is a way of telling thieves (1) there's something in here worth stealing and (2) Please cut my top.
I have had a few trivial items stolen out from under the soft top of my Wrangler in the last 10 years.........IMHO putting locks on a soft topped rig is futile attempt at best. Its too easy to just unzip or pull out out a window if that takes too much effort they will just slash it. I have returned to find the windows on my jeep partially unzipped and nothing of significance missing because there was nothing there to steal.

Instead, we got a locking center console, which I will be installing this weekend. Anything worth keeping goes in the console. It even has a cool locking compartment for the stereo, although we won't but using that at this time (honestly, I can't imagine anybody wanting the crappy POS stereo. The cheap off-road lights on the windshield are probably worth more. Hell, the change in the ashtray is probably worth more.)
I know my tuffy center console has foiled at least two would be theifs. Once I returned to the commuter rail park and ride lot to find the paint scraped near the lock and down the side (evidence of womeone trying to pick/ pry the lock. The second time I caught a tweaker leaning inside scoping out the stereo, since the head unit was in the console and all he saw was a hole in the dash where the stereo use live. The extent of his theivery was glancing in and moving on.

A tuffy console is a great place to keep your registration/ insurance DONT HIDE IT UNDER THE SEAT! I was once handcuffed for reaching under the seat for my registration:Wow1: The sherrif thought I was pulling out a concealed weapon. I dont fault him one bit......but getting a gun pulled on you and getting tossed in a cruiser while your rig is searched is not exactly fun while your on a date......

Just my $ I get distracted easily. Look something shiny!:sombrero: I haven't had besttop soft lower doors in a few years, but I would defiantly look into some locking toolbox paddles if you are going that route. I am not 100% sure but I seem to remember the latch mechanism is welded to the frame. Might be hard to weld in a new paddle without melting the fabric

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