Very cool 'expo' Hilux


I was watching a show on the public broadcasting network a month or so back and they had a very interesting show about some desert lions.

As interesting as the lions were, I was super interested in the old Hilux the fella was driving around. It was an absolutely beat early 80's long bed, with a modified cab and a bed rack. I did some fishing around on the web and found the guys site.

Though it would be appreciated and in good company here (hopefully these pics turn out):

Desert Hilux.jpg

Desert Hilux (2).jpg

Desert Hilux (3).jpg

No affiliation, the fellas website:

And the new ride after 500,000k on the old one:

Desert Cruiser.jpg

Desert Cruiser (2).jpg

Desert Cruiser (3).jpg
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It seems he made a mistake when writing that it was a Hilux. On his website:

"At end of April 2008, after numerous discussions between Adolf and myself, LCCSA found the ideal vehicle for the project: a 2004 Land Cruiser 79, Double cab, 4.5 EFI. The Land Cruiser then went through a comprehensive service and face-lift, and various members of the Club, which are experts in different aspects of Land Cruisers, worked on the vehicle. A list of modifications include: ARB bulbar bumper with M10 winch, ARB Lockers front & rear, IEF rear bumper with two spare wheels, differential and steering guard, extra 180l petrol tank, 80l water tank, 6 new Toyota GX rims and 6 Cooper tires, and various other accessories."


Expedition Leader
No the first truck pictured IS a Hillux. The others are custom Quad-cab 70 Series Cruisers. They were never offered in that config from the factory, but several custom coach makers both in the Middle East and Australia (maybe even Africa???) made them.

Neat read though, thanks.




My apology to the op.
It must be my secret desire to have a 70 series that directed me to to the last pics and paragraphs that had the LCs.

No the first truck pictured IS a Hillux. The others are custom Quad-cab 70 Series Cruisers. They were never offered in that config from the factory, but several custom coach makers both in the Middle East and Australia (maybe even Africa???) made them.

Neat read though, thanks.




Thats odd, I saw some Dessert Lions in a show about that truck recently ;) My wife got sick of me going Oooo! every time the truck was shown.

BTW, does anybody else (from the US) involuntarily sigh when you see this pic?



BTW, does anybody else (from the US) involuntarily sigh when you see this pic?

Yep, and then I start wondering how steep the learning curve is for right hand drive vehicles, if I would really want to deal with import hassles, etc


Expedition Leader
Yep, and then I start wondering how steep the learning curve is for right hand drive vehicles, if I would really want to deal with import hassles, etc
Not too hard at all to learn. I picked it up in about a day... Hardest part was remembering that you drive on the LEFT hand side of the road... Panic moments got interesting... But since you're talking about having one over HERE... it's no too bad at all. I drive my buddies RHD BJ40 all the time. Pulling out onto streets is a bit tough sometimes from a visability standpoint but... Oh and the turnsignal/Wiper stalks are backwards... THe cops in Queensland knew it was me cause I always had my wipers on when I was making a turn :D

I'd make an exception for a nice HZJ75 Troupy... Oh how I miss my 70 series :drool:




The Hilux was replaced by the Cruiser.
At the time we tried to generate some support here on Expo to help raise funds but it came to nought. There were about half a dozen Expo'ers who tried their best.
I posted plenty photos back then and kept the thread updated till I eventually gave up due to the lack of interest :coffee:
Our guys are supporting him on an ongoing basis. He recently suffered a fairly serious breakdown in a remote area and we got him going again. Some of our rocket scientist guys are also working on developing a specialised antenna for him.
This guy is a legend, works 24/7 in extremely remote areas and deserves every bit of support


The Hilux was replaced by the Cruiser.
At the time we tried to generate some support here on Expo to help raise funds but it came to nought. There were about half a dozen Expo'ers who tried their best.
I posted plenty photos back then and kept the thread updated till I eventually gave up due to the lack of interest :coffee:
Our guys are supporting him on an ongoing basis. He recently suffered a fairly serious breakdown in a remote area and we got him going again. Some of our rocket scientist guys are also working on developing a specialised antenna for him.
This guy is a legend, works 24/7 in extremely remote areas and deserves every bit of support

So what exactly does he do, hundreds of miles from help, if he breaks down? Sat phone?

Just curious - what kind of breakdown did he have?

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