Volkswagenguy WK build thread (very slow build)


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We Start off with a 2006 Grand Cherokee(WK). I purchased it back in Jan 2010 the same day I brought my wife home from the hospital with our first son. at the time we lived about ~50 miles from my family and ~100 miles from hers. We also have a 70lb dog who traveled with us so the WK was a fantastic starting platform to meet our needs at the time. I'm not a very good story teller so we will just segway into the meat of the thread.

most recent of mine(April 2014):

First off some specs, short list of things I've added, future mods/add ons.

When Purchased(completely stock):
2006 Grand Cherokee Limited
~80,000 miles
Rear seat entertainment

Current list of Additions:
Thule Atlantis 2100XT
Thule fork mount bike tray(x2)
Thule frame mount bike tray(x1)
Thule 65" cross bars
Thule universal oe rail foot pack
False rear floor storage
Removed air dam
Cabelas Trail Gear seat covers
Audi S4 (b5) trunk cargo net

Future list of Additions:
Thule 72" cross bars (in basement)
RC BB (in box in basement)
OME HD Lift(to replace bb)
AEV JK Savegre Wheels
bigger tires(TBD)
Tablet Navigation
Front/Rear Bumper solutions, leaning towards 4xguard matrix
Skids, leaning towards 4xguard
Rock rails(TBD)

I'm also quite sure i'll be adding to future addition list as time goes on. I will try my best to keep the lists updated on the first post here.

On to some low quality pictures you've all been waiting for:




I have some pictures of the false floor i'm finishing up. i'll try get those over here a little later.
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I've been working on the idea and execution of this for over a year. I first came across the idea from Scootr29 last jan/feb. I went ahead and installed google sketchup on my laptop and bought a cable to connect it to my tv. I had alot of free time in the middle of the night coming up. We had just had our 3rd son and some sleepless nights were sure to be headed my way. I don't have any of the prelim sketches handy. Here are some in progress pictures of the false floor.

So you take out 2 small nuts and are left with this





You then Set about locating scrap wood from work and get permission to take some. Generally you end up with some pretty nice pieces of precut 2x4 and 3/4 ply. They end up looking like this by the end of the night at work and you bring them home and test fit them like so,



You continue to test fit and add some corner straps,

Add some loose partitions that will get secured and finalized later, along with alot of stuff,

Add a Top,


To be continued, have to leave for work now.
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SE Expedition Society
always like to see another WK...good luck and post up and we can answer any questions you have...

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


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Hopefully the boys will cooperate and help my make some adjustments to the rear storage this week. I'm hoping to get it mostly finished this week. I will update with progress pictures by the end of the week.

here is one I forgot, a small thing. They were slipped over during winter, sometime in February when it was just frigid out here, so they need some minor adjustments and the driver side strings to be tucked away. Cabela Trail Gear Seat Covers. Mainly added to keep the kids spring muddy shoes off the back of the seats. I'm sure with time they will find a use for some the pockets on the back side.
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New member

was able to get out and tinker with the rear storage a little,

I started by taking everything back out

Then I took some time to eye ball measure and notch out the center

On to adding some hinges

All mostly lined up before last hinge goes on


Hinges all on, testing, noticed a bit of flexing from hinge mount location. No big deal this is only a working mock up which will be put to use before the re design using some extruded aluminum or something

Back in the WK




All covered up and ready to roll

It still needs some fine tuning. probably a latch to lock them together, secured to the floor of jeep, fixed dividers, more stuff down in there to fill it up. It is far better than what is in there to begin with from the factory, even if my version is a long drawn out thrown together pile of scrap wood.


Nice idea. There is another thread of a guy that did something similar, but cut out an oval to mount his spare tire in the back.

Have you looked behind your plastic wheel well panelling to see if there is any space to be had there?

Have you thought about more rear storage drawers, or will you pack loose on top of this set-up?

Why VW guy?


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I vw guy because that is what i am, i have had a few vw and audi products in my span of car ownership, i was also in the market for a touareg when i made the handle.

There have been a few different variations i have seen in a wk of this style solution.

I am sure there is some more room to be had behind the side panels, also if i were to take the insulating material out from the bottom i would gain half an inch at most i bet.

I have a few ideas i have jumbled up in my head of different solutions if needed. Drawers, cubbies, etc. But all that is on hold right now as my wife doesnt like driving the jeep, and we bought a 2014 vw passat tdi for our work commuter car. We are contemplating moving over to an outback for better drivability for the wife when i am at work. We will see how this plays out.


Built, not bought!
Welcome! Good looking WK. These jeeps are great platforms for overlanding, and with more aftermarket slowly becoming available, they will only get better!!


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vwguy do you have any updated pics of your build?

It has been a little bit since I have been over to the portal. Only updates I really have is that I managed to swap over to the longer Thule bars I had in the basement and acquired a hitch receiver Thule bike rack. so the top looks the same just longer bars, no new pictures.

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