WARNING! “US Legal” JDM 70/80 series Land Cruisers and Hiace/Delica vans (Craigslist)


I remember when in Canada JDM vehicles first started to be imported there were all sort of rumors of this and that. Can you tell us what the dealer who supposedly sold you this vehicle says about this discrepancy. It would be nice to see what they say. Are they out of business? If no, wouldn't they be able to shed some light on this and it would be very helpful to hear their side of the story. That would help every one here either way.
The dealer has never explained to my why the first registration date is inaccurate on my copy of the Japanese export certificate. Unfortunately, it looks like I will only figure out how this happened when CBSA and US CBP finish their investigations. Feel free to contact Karim Quarishi at Silk Road Autos about the legality of his vehicles, but you probably aren’t going to get anywhere. Even when I put down a $2000 deposit, there were many things that he had yet to disclose (including the VIN). If you contact any other dealer in Vancouver, they can show you that the VIN data on their vehicles is the same as their paperwork. Karim Quarishi would never answer any questions about the age of the van, other than to say that the age on the paperwork is the age of the vehicle. Below you can see that the VIN data matches the details of Delicas posted on bringatrailer.com. If the VINs are correct, these vans are most likely "US legal" (if initially imported after turning 25).
VIN: P25W-0406123 (November 1989)
VIN: P25W-0300809 (August 1988)
VIN: P35W-0000208 (August 1989)
VIN: P25W-0419736 (July 1990)
VIN: P35W-0107249 (December 1990)
silk road autos YT delete 1.jpg
silk road autos YT delete 2.jpg
(BTW, I took dozens of screengrabs when Silk Road Autos started deleting links to 1990 and 1991 vehicles. Shortly after I saved the screengrabs above, both YouTube channels belonging to Silk Road Autos were deleted. If everything was on the up and up, there doesn’t seem to be any reason to try and go off radar.)


New member
My name is Karim Quraishi and I am the Fraudster who DID NOT SELL a delica to this member. This is a fabricated story. He placed a deposit on one of my delicas and then backed out after asking over a billion questions and wasting weeks of our time. I have privately sent him several emails to delete this thread as it is a complete lie but to no avail. Once again, this guy doesn't own a delica and never purchased one from us or to the best of my knowledge from anyone one else. It is quite clear and you can read through the lines as it is a fabricated story and I hope that others would pick up on this before the moderator removes this as it is smear campaign based on lies. He is supposedly here to help warn you against the monsters that we are but is placing identifying information of other people vehicles that he says are going to be crushed by the feds. Is that even allowed or should it be allowed? If you are so convinced those vehicles I have sold are illegal then why are you advertising them for the whole world to see? Don't you have the slightest sympathy for the people I have defrauded?

I sold two delicas late 2013, 1986 and 1988 in the US but started this business in late 2004. During this time I have received thousands of calls and emails from US buyers and all were told that these vehicles were not yet eligible for US import. If I could do what he claims, I would be a rich guy now. I have 4 delicas, 2 pajeros, one skyline and one landcruiser that are sitting at a storage place because they are not yet eligible for US import. I get daily inquiries about these vehicles but I cannot sell them. Furthermore, how dare you claim that the Canadian registration can be faked? Is Canada a banana republic? Is it Somalia? Can you fake a US title? Every registration has an electronic id no called Registration no. When you enter that into the system it would tell you all the details of a particular vehicle.

We have a far stricter process to have these vehicles registered in Canada than you do in the US, ironically. In the US you are on the road the next day, here it takes weeks. Vehicles is shown as 1991 in Japan, 1991 in Canada but he claims it shows differently on a website that is run and set up by some Mongolians.

I can register a 1992 vehicle as a 1991 in Canada and only again only sometimes. And, only by a few months and never breaking any law. That has something to do with the first registration and manufacture date but I am not going to go into details here.

Ask him to show any proof that he purchased a delica from us and it cannot be the registration paper. The reason is contrary to what he claims I always send buyers registration paper days or weeks in advance as most of them come with their own insurance to drive the car. He was sent that as well long before he changed his mind because he had to get his own insurance and this thing about not giving buyers vin no until they come here is as false as it gets and as ridiculous as it sounds. Anything that would show he owns a delica even from another dealer. The registration if he shows would be from the one he didn’t’ buy.

First he wasted months of our time pretending he wanted to buy a delica, then after he backed out, I refunded his deposit which I was not supposed to do. I did that because I was worried that he would start giving us bad review and little did I know. I wasn't supposed to give him his deposit especially after nearly 2 months of having the delica on hold. I know his name, I know his phone no and I have all our emails and correspondence including the one where he asked for his deposit and I refunded it. The last email he sent me sounded exactly like the first few lines of his post here. He has a friend who is in the Auto industry who alerted him, he checked and wala I am a fraud. I gave him guarantee that if he has any issues I would take his van back which I give to all my buyers regardless of what year it is but I already knew days in advance that this guy wasn't going to buy my car. I simply refunded and said good buy.

Once again, if the moderator needs any additional information from me to prove this guy didn't buy a car from me I will send him the millions of emails he has sent me including the last ones. He is a prolific email writer and I got dozens a week from him. But, it i snot hard to determine. He purchases a delica, found it is not eligible, sent it back to Canada and never ever contacted us!!! Being acknowledged by online users who may never meet you or never know you as the hero and the know it all is all what he needs for his self-esteem. Unfortunately, he would trample on whatever comes his way to achieve this and in this case it is myself and my business. Please remove this thread as most people do not have time to read through the whole thing and determine for themselves. Simply the title is good enough to adversely affect my business. Furthermore, he is listing identifying information of other people vehicles here. I didn’t even want to respond and was hoping either he or the moderator would remove the thread but it is still there. I would email the moderator again and would try to convince this is all a lie.


New member
He never purchased it but actually does have the complete registration as I sent that to him days in advance as he was supposed to get insurance. This is all a lie intended to destroy us. I have repeatedly asked the moderator remove the thread.


New member
You never purchased a delica from us? Show us which delica you purchased? I never place vin no of my cars and never do this for any of my cars whether it is local or jdm. But, you were sent the registration paper and other paper work weeks before you were supposedly planning to come and pick up the delcia. How is that not telling you about the vin #? The registration has a vin # on it.

Why is deleting external links to my vehicles relevant to this story? I don't need an explanation but the reason was that some people were complaining that when they get to our webpage, they get an warning of malware. We disabled all links for sold and not for sale vehicles and the youtube links. They will be back on as soon as we clean the site. Does that answer your question? And, if that was your concern whey you didn't' contact us?


youtube channels are not deleted, sir. links from our website were disabled until we clean the site.
Submitting four posts at once so that my reply is bumped to page 3 is not what people on ExPo do. The PM silkroadautos (Karim Quarishi) sent has a completely different story than what he wrote on page 2. I’m not going to get into mudslinging, as anyone can search YouTube, check the VINs, or PM me for my documents.
PM (silkroadautos)
screengrab PM silkroadautos .jpg
Additionally, before Karim posted here, he edited one of his Craigslist ads.
"1989 Mitsubishi Delica Exceed high crystal lite roof - $14700 (Delica)"
screengrab delica 1989 1.jpg
screengrab delica 1989 2.jpg
The Delica on Craigslist was previously advertised as already being registered in California. This is most likely because you can’t easily register an import with a registration from outside the US directly in the state of California. From what I have been told, exemptions to emissions laws in California do not apply to vehicles with a Canadian registration. If you look at the Craigslist post today, you can see that the claim of "… NO IMPORTATION IS REQUIRED" is gone. Even if this van has a California registration, that does not mean it can pass a California smog check. As a former Californian, I know that the most important thing a seller can say is that a vehicle is "smogged in California". I don’t believe that anything Karim has ever told me is true, and the more of his lies I see, the more upset I am at myself for ever getting involved with this dealer.



+1 Not sure why I am drawn to this thread... I don't want to buy a Delica (although I wish Toyota would import the new 4x4 Hiace vans) but I guess its interesting reading for a post that is supposed to be a link to nonExpo vans for sale. I cant imagne the 1 or 2 people in the US that might want a Delica are going to go to this thread and read all about it. Can't wait to see how this gets resolved.


New member
Submitting four posts at once so that my reply is bumped to page 3 is not what people on ExPo do. The PM silkroadautos (Karim Quarishi) sent has a completely different story than what he wrote on page 2. I’m not going to get into mudslinging, as anyone can search YouTube, check the VINs, or PM me for my documents.
PM (silkroadautos)
View attachment 362724
Additionally, before Karim posted here, he edited one of his Craigslist ads.
"1989 Mitsubishi Delica Exceed high crystal lite roof - $14700 (Delica)"
View attachment 362725
View attachment 362726
The Delica on Craigslist was previously advertised as already being registered in California. This is most likely because you can’t easily register an import with a registration from outside the US directly in the state of California. From what I have been told, exemptions to emissions laws in California do not apply to vehicles with a Canadian registration. If you look at the Craigslist post today, you can see that the claim of "… NO IMPORTATION IS REQUIRED" is gone. Even if this van has a California registration, that does not mean it can pass a California smog check. As a former Californian, I know that the most important thing a seller can say is that a vehicle is "smogged in California". I don’t believe that anything Karim has ever told me is true, and the more of his lies I see, the more upset I am at myself for ever getting involved with this dealer.
The PM was sent to you because it clearly says "you purcahsed a delica from us" Read your post. When I read that I never thought it would be you because, once again, YOU NEVER PURCHASED ANY DELICA from us. Your deposit was refunded and that was it. You put the delica on hold for weeks asked a million questions and finally changed your mind because you found a website that tell you this and that. So your entire story was based on lies. I kept on searching for people who actually purchased a delica and then read your thread carefully and sounded exactly like your email "how a buddy of yours in the auto industry told you this and that". So that message was sent before I knew that it was you. I kept on searching for buyers who purchased from me. Check, you bought a delica, found it was not legal in the US, brought it back to Canada and never ever contacted me!!! Post the email I sent you after I found it was you.

And the 89 Delica ad change actually shows integrity not deception and it shows how incredibly determined you are. This van was taken to Ca in 2015 as part of four vehicles we sent there as we were planning to partner with someone in Santa Rosa and open an outlet there. That didn't work out, we sold the other two and brought this one back. Were planning to sell it back to the US without importing it back to Canada, however, later on we learned that the lady only had a form that says "applied for title" and not the actual title. In that case the vehicle cannot be transferred to another US resident so we decided to import it back to Canada.Thus the ad was changed which means anyone who buys it now will need to import it back to the US.

I have repeatedly asked you to remove this thread but you continue to add to it I have exchanged several emails with you and have begged you to stop this vicious and nasty campaign based on lies but you keep on going and the story becomes weirder and weirder. Post the emails I have sent you. You sure have a lot of time on your hand but I don't. I am not going to post your emails here and have no intention of going back and forth but will continue to respond. If you don't want to take the thread down and really do believe in all of what you say that is fine and is your right, but at least edit it. Take the things that are not true at all such as your purchasing a delica from us, taking to Canada, my not giving you the registration until the last day and there are many more.

You could have made the same argument without spicing it up but you were so determined that a few extras didn't matter to you.

I told you that Mitsubishi seatbelt tags show the actual month of manufacture as opposed to Toyota which shows the year only. So any Delica I sent to the US would clearly say on the seatbelt what month and year it is. Your response was that the date there shows the month of the seabelt manufacture. How weird can this get?

I have repeatedly ask you to please forward all the information that you have to proper Canadian and US authorities so that they can investigate me and not put these things online until they find me guilty. But again, you keep on going. The amount of time you have put into this is staggering. one day I have disabled links on my website, the next day I have changed ads, then I have no vin no on my ads and it keeps on going.


I apologize to everyone for dragging the non-ExPo ads section into this mess. This was just meant to be a warning to check the VIN on all the listings in the original post. Due to my role in investigations that will severly impact Karim's ability to do business, I genuinely fear for the safety of my family. This is why when I originally explained how to check the VIN last month in the Mitsubishi section of ExPo, I never mentioned the dealer by name.
As you can see here, Karim continues to try and get me to reveal more info that will out me, without ever explain the VIN data on his vehicles. With the number of affected vehicles, it would be almost impossible to guess which customer I am. After US CBP, CBSA, and MVSA of BC have finished their investigations, and Karim faces justice, I will disclose more details of my personal case.
I told you that Mitsubishi seatbelt tags show the actual month of manufacture as opposed to Toyota which shows the year only. So any Delica I sent to the US would clearly say on the seatbelt what month and year it is. Your response was that the date there shows the month of the seabelt manufacture. How weird can this get?

Is this true?
You can replace seatbelt with earlier date to fake "Manufacture date" to export to USA.
Sorry, I mean anyone can replace seatbelt very easily from wreckers around $20?

OP's VIN decoding from various website seems to be more convincing to me if we can't get official letter from manufacturer.



Is this true?
You can replace seatbelt with earlier date to fake "Manufacture date" to export to USA.
Sorry, I mean anyone can replace seatbelt very easily from wreckers around $20?

OP's VIN decoding from various website seems to be more convincing to me if we can't get official letter from manufacturer.

Seatbelts??? Karim told me that the age wasn’t written anywhere on the van. Please don’t engage him. He is so determined to find out who I am, yet makes no effort to explain the age discrepancies. This is what I feared would happen if I made a warning to check Karim's VINs before he is prosecuted. I was told that Karim wrote a THIRD story about my identity after someone shared part of my ExPo post in another forum.
"It is absolutely true that he had a bad experience but so did we. In fact, it was the nastiest experience I have ever had since I started this."
"Things got bad and then worse when this gentleman got into his van and said good buy, shook my hand and well wishes were exchanged."
"...only those with a vengeance would register on forums like this and write something of such sort."


ABC - your posts don't make any sense to me. You come on this board specifically to warn people about a certain importer, but your story behind it is far from clear.

Did you buy a vehicle from them? You reference "my Delica" which you need to let sit for 2 years, but then appears you only gave a deposit and didn't buy one.

Do you have any experience importing a vehicle? I imported by BJ74 and read about lots of folks experience, and the first thing that happens at the border patrol after they look at your paperwork is to come out and look at the VIN number or VIN plaque to verify the year of mfg. Your information above about them not checking mfg dates because it would take too long is against every bit of information I read about the process and my own direct experience.

FWIW, I bought my truck from SRA, and had no problems dealing with Karim. He sent me two photos of the VIN plaque, he allowed me to schedule and pay for a PPI and overall the transaction went just fine. He seemed a little disorganized and his mechanic is no Toyota expert, but I can't imagine he is intentionally trying to scam buyers. His shop is 25 minutes from the border, if he is trying to scam people and their car is stuck at the border you would imagine there would've been hoards of these buyers driving back up to the shop to kick his *****.


Reading this is like driving past a bad wreck on the freeway. Everybody has to slow down and gawk and look for a dead body...


I never meant for this Craigslist 4x4 warning to turn into a dealer exposé, JDM lesson, and my poor judgement thread rolled into one. I have been intentionally vague in describing my own personal case until this can be resolved. US CBP checks the VIN against the paperwork at the border, and only randomly against the VIN data from the manufacturer. Every article I have read states this. A local JDM shop and a dealer took a look at the paperwork and VIN and also said the vehicle was a 1992. I remember seeing pre-1991 square headlight Delicas (over 25) on Silk Road’s lot before ever reaching out to the dealer, so I do not know why there would be a discrepancy in my case, or with the ones on Craigslist. All I want is for people to independently verify the VIN data on the vehicles in the post from a source other than the dealer.

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