Water tanks!


I have been searching, but havent found anything,

I was wondering if anyone here has installed a water tank on their cruisers. There is a bunch of space where the spare tire was. even a 10-15 gallon tank would be nice, for the shower, cooking and such.

Any one have ideas?



A friend of mine designed and made them for LC's. These are made in Venezuela though, i'm not sure how you'd go about purchasing one, but it might give you an idea.

visit @lagartotanks on instagram there are plenty of pictures of the tanks installed on 80s (he had one himself)

He also did the installation using marine shower equipment, with the inlet in the engine bay and the outlet wherever you wanted via a quick release coupling.

The space where the spare tire was is perfect for a gas tank or water tank, I've seen people fit 40L to 180L tanks under there, but I think that's way too much weight hanging behind the truck.


Expedition Leader
Over the years I have use several different types of water storage. I choose not to put all my water in one container for simple reason if there is a failure you have problems. Living in AZ you carry ~5gal of water, at least you should IMO.The two systems I use now are Swiss Army water bladders in our every day and short travel vehicles. There are no tougher bladders I have found. The other are Water Bricks for there size and easily portable. Being portable for ease of use and refilling is a common overlook need if you are traveling on the road.

Bart Miller

Not a Land Cruiser but A Tacoma. I had a local metal shop make up a stainless steel tank to fit my needs. Might want to look into having this done for your rig.

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