Waugoshance Point: short photo essay


I returned yesterday from a 2 day trip out to Wilderness State Park, just west of the Straits of Mackinac. My wife wanted to spend time bird watching, much of which was hindered Saturday by thick fog (to my secret approval:)) fast moving, low lying puffs, that came and went in waves. Made for great light.
So I tried to capture images that conveyed the peaceful isolation of the hikes out to Waugoshance point.

Most of this area is now designated true wilderness- a contrast from the relatively modern campground we tethered the Tacoma at.







We were pleasantly surprised by this little outpost on the northern tip of Michigan, lots more pics to process, and we need to return for more productive bird watching next time. :)


Expedition Leader
Very nice Joash! I like the moody feel the fog brought and the sunrise/sunset (not sure which) shots have some great color. This is the Michigan I remember and miss-not the urban decay of Detroit which is all most people see and/or know of the state.


Expedition Leader
Awesome stuff Joash. I love that rock in the foreground. Wall art potential for sure. Nice to see stuff posted here from GRR, I'm a former resident. Go Rockford Rams!


Thank you guys- like many others, ExPo gets me fired up to get out and about.

This little guy came out from behind a rock when the fog lifted. I managed to get one picture before he waddled off.





Enjoyed the trip immensely,- I have a feeling the crowds will be heading up for the long weekend.

Nice to see stuff posted here from GRR, I'm a former resident. Go Rockford Rams!

That's cool! -I love your pictures as well.
we lived in Rockford briefly, before moving out to Zeeland 5 yrs ago. Have you been back up to GR recently?- downtown is dramatically different now, from even a couple of years ago- MSU’s Med school has moved into town, new Children’s Hospital, Van Andel Research Institute, GVSU’s health campus, Heart Center- and all located on Michigan Ave between College and Ottawa. “Health Hill”, they call it.
Definite change in identity, hopefully for the better (fingers crossed), but it's sure not a small W. Michigan town anymore.

I love living here- mainly because of the people, and from a career standpoint, the quality of primary care. This will sound really cheesy, but I am just bowled over, daily, by how nice people are, despite the ongoing pervasive, economic hardships. It is inspiring and humbling. After living on 3 continents and 4 states and, especially as a health care provider, seeing every variance of ego-driven BS, I find myself drawn to this pervasive, communal quality of understated competence, integrity and caring....hmmm,similar to this forum..on its good days:)


Expedition Leader
Wow, that image of the red blooms is too good. I'm using my iPhone and as it loaded I'm like, "Oh come on! That's just showing off!"


Yeap, was in town about 2years ago. Took in a concert at the VanAndel. I am a bit concerned about just how immense the healthcare industry is in GRR. Is the population that unhealthy? LOL.

My father is pretty well known thereabouts. Was TV-8 Chief Meteorologist until recent retirement.


My father is pretty well known thereabouts. Was TV-8 Chief Meteorologist until recent retirement.

Craig James(?) - he's definitely celebrity- :) was there through my college years when I first got to experience the cold MI winters 17 years ago
Steffen's doing a fine job though, probably getting around to retirement too.
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