If you buy a new hose, it would be interesting to cut the old one and see what it looks like inside.
It won’t be any consolation, but everyone deals with stuff like this. I’m on the tail end of a 6 week saga dealing with contaminated propane in our 120,000 gallon storage system at my work. Ours is metallic corrosion caused most likely by a combination of water and anaerobic bacteria. As I had the specialist tank guy out investigating with me, he was blaming the horrible low quality propane we get, and the time in storage without recirculating through filtration. I said, “Don’t we have an exclusive supply contract with your company?” It was like dropping a tranny on the freeway, he hit reverse so hard on that argument! All of a sudden it was “We can only bring what the refinery supplies at the rack...”
End result, almost $3 million in combined costs, 6 weeks of work, lots of sleepless nights, and... still not 100% certain what was wrong or if it is solved... but I/we learned a lot!
And it’s nice not to have to worry about having any pesky profits this year.